Chapter 4

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*kokichi pov*
Kiibo was looking at me, expecting an answer, but the truth is.. I had no idea who I loved. That sounds so stupid! I should know something like that!! I quickly came up with an excuse "Like I would ever tell you!" Kiibo sighed and looked at me.

"Kokichi, please tell me. It will make it easier for both of us." I didn't know what to say. Some part of me wanted to tell him the truth. And, so I did..
"I-.. I don't know.. who it is.." I looked up and very quick eye contact, almost immediately looking away. "I can help you find out..?" Kiibo suggested very calmly. I nodded and stood up.

"I'm thirsty, let's go get something to drink." I said very eagerly. Kiibo smiled a bit and nodded, letting me lead the way this time. We headed to the kitchen, I opened the fridge. I grabbed 2 bottles of Panta for me and Kiibo. I handed it to him, and took the cap off my own. Kiibo did the same. I started to chug the Panta and Kiibo just watched me. Once I finished I looked over at Kiibo, who hadn't even started to drink his Panta. "Try itttt" I said and Kiibo did as I said. He took a sip and spoke,
"It's too sweet for me, do you want it?" He asked reaching his arm out for me to take it. I happily grabbed it, and chugged that one quickly too. Kiibo probably thought I was insane, but that's ok. Then Shuichi came into the kitchen. My heart started to pound, and my hands got sweaty. He looked over at us and waved with a friendly smile. Shuichi grabbed something, I wasn't paying attention to what it was. I was too busy admiring his very pretty face. I realized what I was doing and a faint blush formed across my cheeks. Before he walked out, he stopped. "Hey guys, what are you up to?" He asked. Kiibo answered for me.

"We are just in here to get something to drink, what about you?" Shuichi smiled and blushed a little..

"Well.. I'm just grabbing some things for the date I have planned for me and Kaede later!" My heart sank. Why did I feel like this? He's a boy!! I'm not gay!! "Anyways, it was nice seeing you guys!" He smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

"Kiibo.." I whispered,


"I think I'm in love with Shuichi.."

Word count: 416

Sorry this is another short chapter, I'm meant to be working on my missing assignments right now lmao. Anyways- idk what to write next so like- please help- thank you for reading, bye bye!

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