Chapter 11

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  *Kokichi pov*

     Shuichi just walked out of my room, I didn't know what to do.  The pictures aren't fake!  I don't know how I can make him believe me though..

"Tenko I'm hungry let's go get something to eat."  I said, she agreed and we stepped outside my room, and started walking down the hallway.  We walked passed the library to get to the kitchen and heard slight moaning noises.  I already knew who it was but I went to look anyways.  Tenko followed, she opened her mouth to say something but I didn't let her.  I dragged her out of the room.

"We can show Shuichi in person!"  I said to her, so we started walking around to find Shuichi.  The first place we looked was his room, and surprise, surprise, he was there.  I let myself in, the door wasn't locked.  He was on his bed staring at the wall.

"Shumai?"  He turned around to see me and Tenko.

"E-eh?  Why are you in my room?"  He asked, quite concerned.  I said nothing, but I grabbed his hand and forced him out of his room.  "Kokichi let go!!"  He yelled,

"Shhh, we're almost there!"  I said to him, Tenko was following us.  We reached the library, and motioned for Tenko to come over to me.  "Go make sure they're still in there."  I whispered to her, she nodded her head and quietly poked her head inside.  Her head come out, and she nodded.  

"Ok Shuichi, go look in there!"  I said pointing to the library doors.  He was a bit confused but agreed.  He stepped inside, me and Tenko close behind him.  Miu and Kaede we're there making out.  I looked over to Shuichi and saw him crying.  He was sobbing.

"W-what..?"  He said, I think he was questioning if this was real or not.  Kaede's head turned to face us.  She looked Shuichi dead in the eyes.  She got off of Miu, and quickly rushed over to him.  

"It's not what it looks like!  She was forcing me to do this!!" She screamed and pointed to Miu.

"What?!"  Miu shouted, "You're the one who wanted to do this!!  Not me!!"

Shuichi was still sobbing.

"Kaede.."  He said


"It's over."  I admit, I did let myself smile a bit when he said that.  But then, without any warning Shuichi wrapped his arms around me,  "I'm sorry I didn't believe you.."  I blushed a lot, like, a lot.  I hugged him back.

"It's ok, I understand, I mean after all, I am a liar~"  He pulled away,

Kaede and Miu we're gone.  Tenko was, kinda like, fangirling? It was really funny.  I laughed a bit, so did Shuichi.  Then I felt flowers clog my throat.  Not now.  Please not now.

"I-I have to go.."  I said, and swiftly exited the library.  I ran down the halls, and to my room.  I stepped inside, going straight to the bathroom.  I coughed up a lot of flowers, petals, and blood.  I couldn't take this anymore, everytime this happened I was in so much pain.  /TW: mentions of Self-Harm/  I wanted to let out all my stress and sadness that has been building up.  But I couldn't talk to anyone about it, I can't be weak.  I left the flowers and blood in the sink and walked outside of the bathroom.  I opened my dresser drawer, and picked up a blade.  I rolled up my sleeves, and held it to my skin.  

I shut my eyes, and ran it across my arm.  Blood poured out of my arm.  It felt good.  I did it again.  And again.  And again.  Before I knew it there was blood and cuts all over my arm.  I was crying, it hurt, but the pain felt so good.  I couldn't stop.  I rolled up my other sleeve and did the same thing to my other arm.  I smiled down at what I had done.  Blood was dripping down my arms, almost onto the floor.  I rushed into the bathroom and ran cold water over the cuts.

It stung.  It hurt, but I needed the blood to stop.  I didn't think I had bandages anywhere in my room, so i used toilet paper to soak up the extra water and blood on my arms.  I looked back down and noticed that there was a little flower bud on one of the cuts.  I tried to pick it off, but it wouldn't come off.  I decided to just go to sleep, and try to forget this happened. /TW ends here/

I laid in my bed, trying my best to sleep.  But I couldn't fall asleep.  I was in so much pain.  After a good, 30 minutes or so, I finally drifted off to sleep.

*Time skip*

     I woke up to someone knocking on my door.  I didn't want to answer it, so I didn't.  Whoever it was would not go away though.  They kept knocking for what seemed like forever.  Eventually they gave up and walked away.  I groaned, not able to fall back asleep.  I sat up and let my feet hit the cold floor.  I shuttered a bit, but stood up,  I walked over to the bathroom and flipped on the light switch.  I rolled up my sleeves and looked down.  There were flowers blooming out of the cuts.  It wasn't even just one, there was so many.  I tried to pick them off like I did with the bud, but it was to no avail.  The flowers stayed put, and I couldn't do anything about it.  

I rolled my sleeves down, and walked out of the bathroom.  Someone knocked on my door again.  Since I was already up, I answered it.  It was Tenko and Kiibo.

"Kokichi!!"  They yelled at the same time,

"What.?"  I asked, clearly confused.

"Kaede is dead!!!"

Word count: 970

Hi hi!  Sooooooooo Kokichi is now on stage 3 of the disease.  I have no fucking idea how I'm going to end this book, so please leave suggestions.  P l e a s e.  Thank you so much for reading, bye bye! <3

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