Chapter 9

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     *Kokichi pov*

     /there was a time skip btw, rn he's hanging out with Kiibo and Tenko/  

     Tenko and Kiibo were laying down on the grass, I was sitting up.

"Y'know, this probably sounds weird but I never liked Kaede" Tenko said out of no where.  Me and Kiibo agreed, "She's kinda a bitch not gonna lie,"  She added

"Yeah.."  I mumbled and waited for a moment, 

"She's cheating on Shuichi,"  I said, Tenko and Kiibo sat up and looked over at me.  I nod my head, "She's also lesbian"  I added and they got even more surprised.

"Lol same" Tenko said

"We know,"  Kiibo added and laughed

"Have you told Shuichi yet, Kokichi?"  Tenko asked, I nodded,

"Yeah, he thought the photos were edited though,"  I said under my breath,

There were flowers clogging my throat, "H-hey Tenko can I trust you?" I managed to ask

"Of course you can!"  And with that I started to cough up the blood and flowers, I didn't feel like getting up and going to my room just to cough up some stupid flowers.  I look over at Tenko and she was just staring at me, very intensely.  "S-sorry.."  I apologized.

"Are you ok?"  She asked, rudely ignoring my very sincere apology.  I shrug,

"Probably not but, eh who cares."  

"Hanahaki disease.. I remember having that.. It's really one of the only things I remember from the outside world."  Tenko murmured, "I got the surgery though, the only bad part is that I can't love anyone anymore."  She added, I felt terrible for her.  She shrugged, "But, oh well, y'know?"  I didn't even realize I had tears dropping from my eyes.  I quickly wiped them,


Kiibo got up, without warning, and just left.  I don't even know when he did, he was just gone.  Oh well,

"Who is it?"  She asked me, "You better treat her right!"

"u-uh.. Tenko.. It's Shuichi.." I whispered, her eyes lit up.

"Really?!  Well.. You better treat him right!"  She yelled at me, I laughed.  

I stopped laughing after a bit, and it was silent.  I don't like silence.

"We should kill Kaede," Tenko said, dead serious.

"What? Why?"

"So you can have Shuichi, duh"

"I mean.. we could?"  I suggested

*Time skip lol*

"Are we really doing this?"

Word count: 360

Hi hi! Sorry if it's short I just don't know what to write and I have writers block- I'm also trying to decide if this should have a happy or sad ending.  Thanks for reading, bye bye! <3

~Flowers~ (omasai/saioma)Where stories live. Discover now