Chapter 8

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     *kokichi pov*

     I jumped, I didn't know what to do.

"W-who is it..?"  I said, coughing up more flowers and blood after.  I heard a voice coming from outside the door.

"Kiibo!"  He said, I felt so relieved.

"Ok, come in"  I yelled, and the door swung open, he looked around

"Kokichi? Where are you?"  He asked, I stepped out of the bathroom, blood dripping down my chin.  "Kokichi!"  Kiibo screamed and ran over to me.  "Are you ok?"  He added, I nodded my head and wiped the blood off my face.  

"What are you doing here anyways?"  I asked him, he shrugged slightly,

"I don't know, I just wanted to come check on you."  He said, and smiled softly.  I smiled back at him,

"Thanks Kiiboy!"  I said, very loudly, wrapping my arms around him.  He giggled a bit,

"You're so childish"  He laughed, I let my arms go and crossed them, I started to make a sad face

"Am not!"  I screamed,

"Are too!"  Kiibo laughed

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!!"

"WAHHHHHHHHH YOURE SO MEAN!!!!!"  I started fake crying, Kiibo laughed more.  "Hey! What's so funny about me crying!!"  I yelled at him, he laughed more.  I started to laugh with him.  

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Someone was knocking at my door, I wonder who it was.  I step over towards the door, wiping tears from my eyes because I was laughing too hard.  They knocked again, "Coming jeez!" I said, annoyed a little.  I opened the door to see Shuichi.  I was very confused, "Shuichi what are you doing here?"  I asked,

"Kokichi, can I talk to you alone?"  He asked, and slightly glared at Kiibo, signalling him to leave.  Kiibo got the message, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Sooooooo~  What did you wanna talk to me about Shumai?~"  I said very teasingly,

"Shumai?" He was confused

"It's just a nickname, do you not like it?"  I asked

"Kokichi that's not why I'm here can we just-"

"WAHHHHHHHHHH SHUICHI DOESNT LIKE THE NICKNAME I MADE FOR HIM!!!!!!"  I cried and screamed so loudly, Kiibo could probably hear from down the hall.  

"Kokichi, calm down.  I need to have a serious talk with you."  Shuichi looked really annoyed with me.

"What kind of talk?~ Why does it have to me alone? Huh Shumai?~"  I said, in a fake flirting tone.  Shuichi blushed a little bit.

"Nevermind just forget it"  He was really mad.  Shuichi turned to leave but without thinking I grabbed his wrist.  He looked at me, confused.

"I'll be serious, just.. Please don't leave"  I mumbled the last part.  Shuichi smiled,

"Alright, so- what were you going to show me earlier?"  He asked me, I completely forgot about that.  

"Well, since you didn't beg earlier, I'm not going to show you!"  I said loudly.  He sighed.

"Please Kokichi?"  He obviously really wanted to see.

"Fine, one more chance.  Get on your knees and beg."  I said, he groaned in annoyance, but to my surprise, he did it.

"Please Kokichiii??  I really wanna see! Pretty please?"  He begged while on his knees.  I laughed

"Wow you are really desperate to see huh?~  Fine, I'll show you!"  

Shuichi got up, and I motioned for him to sit on the bed.  I grabbed my camera and sat down next to him.  "Shuichi.. Before I show you this.. Just know that you will probably react badly, but try to keep calm.  Ok?"  He nodded.  I pulled up the 2 pictures of Miu and Kaede, and handed him the camera.  He took one look at them and his eyes widened.  Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"These are fake right?"  He asked, I shook my head.

"THEY HAVE TO BE FAKE!  KAEDE WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ME!!"  He yelled at me, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME KOKICHI!  I KNEW YOU WERE BAD BUT I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE THIS HORRIBLE!"  He screamed through his tears.  He walked over towards the door, but before he left he said something.

"You are alone, Kokichi.  And you ALWAYS will be!"

Word count: 657

Hi hi, I think I'm reaching the end of this book.  Probably a few more chapters.  Thank you for reading, bye bye! <3

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