Chapter 3

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     *Kokichi pov*

     We sat there staring at each other, I could feel tear drops in the corners of my eyes.  Kiibo looked down at the petal, and back at me.  He bent over and picked it up, and started to look at it.  I was looking down to the floor and noticed tiny puddles on the floor, i was crying.  I could feel Kiibo's stare, but I didn't dare look up at him.  Finally he said something, "W-what..?  K-kokichi w-what is this.?"  He asked, there was a little concern in his voice.  I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.  What is wrong with me..?

But finally I was able to speak "I-... I don't know.."  Tears were streaming down my cheeks and onto the floor.  Kiibo would probably think I'm a freak.  Why is this happening to me?  

"We could always look it up.."  Kiibo spoke.  I looked up at him and nodded.  He took my hand and started walking, I just followed.  We passed by Shuichi and Kaede in the hallway.. I wanted to cry more, but why?  Did I like Kaede?  There's no way I like Shuichi.. I'm not gay!!  Before I knew it we were at the library, kiibo took me inside.  He used some of his weird robot super powers to find the book we needed.  We sat down at a table, he started reading.  "Hanahaki Disease (花吐き (Japanese); 하나하키병 (Korean); 花吐 (Chinese)) is a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies."  I just stared in awe, I didn't think I loved anyone.. But who could it be?  

"There are 5 stages of this disease.  Stage 1, coughing up flower petals.  Stage 2, Coughing up blood with the petals, and sometimes flowers.  Stage 3, Flowers blooming on open cuts, wounds, etc.  Stage 4, throwing up petals, flowers, blood, and flower stems.  And stage 5, death."  Kiibo was still reading.   My eyes widened at the word death.  Kiibo closed the book and spoke, "It seems like you're only on stage 1."  I nodded, he began to stare at me.  "Who is it?"  He asked, I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I responded confused.  He shook his head.

"Who do you love..?" 

Words: 397

Sorry this chapter is so short, I have no motivation rn lmao, and my computer is about to die- cries. ok anyways- bye bye!

~Flowers~ (omasai/saioma)Where stories live. Discover now