Chapter 13

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     *Kokichi pov*

      After Maki's execution none of us knew what to do.  Shuichi was still so heartbroken.  He just looked so.. sad..  I really wish I could help him, but I don't know how.  Seeing Shuichi like this hurts me a lot.  I walked over to him, normally he would have someone beside him, for comfort.  He had no one.

"A-are you o-ok?"  I stuttered like a complete idiot.  He turned to me, tears rolling down his face.

"Do I look ok to you?"  He said very rudely.

"S-sorry.."  I apologized and started to walk away.

"Wait!"  He grabbed my wrist.  I looked at him.

"What."  I was obviously a bit annoyed.  He started to cry more, I felt bad.  "Close your eyes"  I said, this reminded me of when Kiibo hugged me.  He closed his eyes.  I stood up on my tippy toes and hugged him.  I hugged him tight.  He hugged me back, crying into my shoulder.  I think he felt safe.  My face started to heat up.  I smiled.  This moment seemed to last forever, and I loved it.  After about 30 seconds he let go, and wiped his tears.

"Thank you.."  He smiled, I smiled back.  I saw Miu slowly, and nervously walking up to me and Shuichi.

"H-hey,"  Miu greeted us, clearly anxious.  She had tears forming in her eyes.  I could feel flowers clogging my throat, there was sharp thorns in there too.

"I-I'll leave you two alone!"  I said, and scurried away.  As soon as I was out of sight, I started to run as fast as I could to my room.  I finally reached it, I was out of breath.  I opened the door and quickly stepped into the bathroom.  I stood at the sink and let all the flowers, petals, stems, and blood come out.  I hated this so much.  

I rolled up my sleeves and saw flowers blooming over my cuts.  I tried to pick them off, it was very painful, but I managed to pick one off.  I could barely breathe, my lungs were filling up.  I fucking hated this so much.  There was so much blood on my face, arms, and in the sink.  It was so hard to breathe.  And on top of this, my stomach was killing me.  I needed to throw up, I started gagging, I didn't want to throw up.

*time skip*

     I flushed the blood and flowers down the toilet along with vomit.  It was gross.  I think this is what Kiibo said stage 4 was.  I'm close to death, I can feel it.  /Note: all of this has happened over the course of like 3 months, not a few days./   I would say a few more days, and I'm gone.  This is a horrible way to die.  I was in so much pain, there was blood and flowers everywhere.  There was a knock on my door,

"W-who is it?"  I said from the bathroom.

"Kiibo and Tenko!"  I heard one of them say.

"Come in.."  I said, the door opened.  They found me lying on the floor of the bathroom.  I could tell they were worried for me.  I probably looked on the verge of death.

"Oh my god.." Tenko said, I felt bad.  She's had to deal with this before.  They both helped me get up.  I didn't bother cleaning out the sink, or washing my face.  

"Thank you.."  I said, neither of them said anything, Kiibo was grabbing a wash cloth and running it under water.  He took it to my face and wiped the blood off.  I smiled, "Guys, I'm fine,"  I lied.  I wasn't fine.  They knew I was lying.  

*time skip*

     "H-hi Shuichi.."  I greeted him.  He waved at me and smiled,

"Hey Kokichi!"  He seemed a lot happier than he did the other day.  I wonder what happened.  "Uh.. I have a question..?"  He said, I was curious.


"Uhm, a-are you g-gay..?"  He asked

Oh shit.

"Uh.. I have to go!"  I said quite loudly, and walked away.  I could feel his stare.  Who told him?  I'm not even gay!  Nevermind that's a lie.  But still!  It was so hard to fucking breathe, everyday is a struggle.

"Kokichi!!"  Shuichi had followed me,

"What."  I was very pissed off.  Not at him.  But at the situation.

"Can you answer my question?"  He asked,

I shook my head, "Fine, whatever."  I said, "Yes I think I am."  

"You think?"

"I don't know yet! Ok?"  I yelled, I started walking again.

"I'm bi.."

Word count: 731

Hi hi! Sorry this isn't much of a "cliffhanger" but idk- I have no idea what else to write.  AND OMG THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS!!  NGIEOWFNEHI IM SO EXCITED GJEIOSDJFIJEID.  THANK YOU FOR READING, BYE BYE!! <3

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