Chapter 10

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/ok before I get started thank you for 65 reads, like- w h a t- idk I kinda expected this to get like 3 reads lmao- uh yeah-/

     *maki pov*

     I was just lying in bed, pretty much doing nothing.  Right now I would be stargazing with Kaito.. Why did he have to do that? I don't understand!  I groaned as I felt myself starting to cry.  I have to get out of here.  I just have to!

*time skip*

     *kokichi pov*

     "Are we really going to do this?"  Tenko asked me, we were all suited up in black clothing, ready to go.  We had a whole plan and everything, it was a perfect plan.  

"No."  I responded, she turned to me with a confused expression on her face.  "As much as I hate Kaede, I can't do that to Shuichi."  I added, her confused look went away.  I think she understands.  

"I never really wanted to kill her anyways, I would feel too bad."  Tenko confessed, I smiled a bit.  

"Same."  I'm pretty sure the only reason Tenko doesn't hate me is because I'm not straight.  "Hey Tenko?"


"I think I'm gay"

"Yeah I know"

We both laughed, I was laughing so hard I had to wipe tears from my eyes.  Sometimes I wish everyone would be like this towards me, but most of them hate me.  I broke out of my thoughts only to realize there was a knock on the door, but Tenko already went to open it.  

"Oh hey Shuichi!" Tenko said in a very welcoming tone.  She signaled for him to come in, which he did.  

"Tenko what the fuck don't let people into my room without my consent, smh"  I said jokingly.  She let out a small laugh, so did Shuichi.  "Ok anyways, Shuichi why are you here?"  I said, looking over to him.  We made eye contact for a spilt second, then I looked away.  

"Well, I wanted to apologize for being so rude to you earlier, I don't know what came over me.  I'm sorry."  He apologized, and I blushed a bit.  I get kinda flustered when people are this nice to me.

"It's ok Shumai! I could never be mad at you! What you said didn't even bother me!~"  I lied.  It did bother me.  He let out a relived sigh,

"Thank you,"  He said, and went to leave.  But before he left he turned his head,

"I still think those pictures are fake."  

Word Count: 406

Hi hi!  I'm really sorry this is so short, but I have an idea I'm just not sure if it's good or not.  So I asked my friend and I'm waiting for them to respond.  Thanks for reading, bye bye! <3

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