Chapter 7

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     *Shuichi pov*

     Kaede and I were walking down the hall together, we were holding hands.  She was rambling on about something, I wasn't really listening.  I was thinking about Kokichi, I was kinda worried about him.  He barely comes out of his room, and if he does he doesn't talk to anyone.  The only time he's talked for a long period of time was the recent class trial.  I wonder what's up with him.  I broke out of my thoughts because I see Kaede waving her hand in front of me.  

"Shuichiiii?" She said, I awkwardly smiled.

"S-sorry I got lost in my thoughts"  I apologized, she nodded her head and kept walking.  I followed her.  She wasn't holding my hand anymore, I think I made her upset.  And without warning she just started to skip away, where was she going?  She didn't look back so I assume she didn't want me to go with her.  I just kinda stood there for a moment before I turned around and started walking the other way.  I was just letting my feet move, I didn't really care where I went.  I reached my room, and opened the door.  I stepped in and closed the door behind me, locking it.  

*time skip*

     *kokichi pov*

     I was walking around, because I felt like it.  There wasn't really a reason.  I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Panta out of the fridge.  I heard slight breathing, very quiet.  It was almost silent.  I walked around the the kitchen, looking for where it was coming from.. then I saw Miu and Kaede laying on the floor, trying to be quiet and unnoticed.  Neither of them had clothes on.  Only undergarments.

"Omigod you really are a slut!"  I laughed, I snapped a picture for blackmail.  "Kaede we all get your lesbian but why with the raging bitchlet?!" I laughed again.

"B-b-bitchlet.?!"  Miu exclaimed.  I giggled, 

"Anyways, I can't wait to show Shuichi!"  I skipped out of the room, laughing.  I wanted to save the photos for blackmail, but that's not right.  Shuichi deserves to know what his girlfriend has been up to!  I was running through the halls, and I reached Shuichi's door.  I knocked.

He opened the door and I let myself in.  "Shuichi~ Guess what I have~"  I said teasingly.  He looked confused, and a bit annoyed.  

"What?" He asked, I giggled.  

"I'll only tell you if you.." I stopped to think for a moment. "Give me a kiss!"  Shuichi's face turned a light shade of pink.  "That was a lie! But, I'm only gonna show you if you get on your knees and beg."  I yelled.  Shuichi shook his head,

"Not worth it"  He said, and I looked at him.

"Alright, find out yourself then!"  I shouted and walked out of his room.  He closed the door behind me.  I could feel flowers filling my throat, I ran down the hallway and into my room.  There was blood in my mouth, oozing out one of the sides and dripping down my face.  I rushed to the bathroom and let out all the flowers and blood into the sink.  There was still so much coming out but,

*Knock, knock, knock*

Word count: 531

Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, I have extreme writers block right now.  And I wanna try and get this book finished so I can start writing the next one.  I have another idea for a saioma fanfic, but I wanna finish this book first.  Anyways, thanks for reading. bye bye! <3

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