Chapter 15

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     *Kokichi pov*


Why would I do that.


He's staring at me.

"I-I'm sorry.."  He said and walked away from me.


Fuck this.

Fuck everything.

I'm in pain.


Help me.

I need help.


*time skip*

     I was laying on my bathroom floor, crying.  All I could feel was pain.  

*Knock, knock, knock*


"W-who is i-it?"  I stuttered.


Oh shit.

He can't see me like this.


What do I do?

"J-just a s-second!"  I yelled to him.  

I forced myself to get up and wash out the blood in the sink.

It looked normal.

"C-come in..!"  I shouted,

The knob turned and the door creaked open.

"H-hey.."  He greeted me.

I can't breathe.

"Hi."  I was trying to make this quick.

"W-we're still f-friends, right?"  He asked,

"I guess."

My life was coming to an end.

I could feel it.

I wanted to spend my last hour or two with the people I love.

"Follow me."  I said, grabbing him by the hand.

I'm pretty sure he was very confused, but he didn't question it.

I dragged him down the hall and rounded up everyone.

Me, Shuichi, Kiibo, Tenko, Angie, Gonta, Korekiyo, Miu, Kirumi, And Ryoma.

I didn't want to explain to anyone.

Except for Kiibo and Tenko.

I pulled them aside for a minute.

"What the fuck Kokichi why is everyone here?"  Tenko asked me

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