Chapter 12

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     *Kokichi pov*

     "What?! Like actually?!"  I screamed


I literally started laughing,

"Haha serves her right!"

"Yeah, the investigation already happened, we just need you for the class trial."  Tenko said, Kiibo nodded.

"Oh uh, Alright, let me get ready I'll be out in 2 minutes.  Wait for me."

*Time skip*

"Kaede was the mastermind?"  Kirumi asked, Maki nodded her head.

"That's why I killed her."  She said

"Monokuma!"  Tenko yelled over to him.


"Since Maki killed the mastermind, does she still need a punishment?" Tenko asked him, I think everyone was wondering the same thing.

"Well, obviously!  She still killed someone! Mastermind or not, she still must be punished!"  Monokuma shouted,

"That's a lie."  I said, everyone's eyes turned to me.  "I am a liar.  I'm a great liar.  So I can always see through other people's lies!"  I yelled,

"Phuhuhuhu!  Kokichi is right!  That was a lie!  I don't care what you guys do with her!"  He shouted to us.  We were all happy,

"I want to be punished."  Maki said, deadly serious.

"W-what?"  Shuichi said, he didn't want her to die.

"I want to be among the stars.. With Kaito."  She smiled, and started to cry a bit.  She wiped her tears.

Word count: 189

Hi hi! Sorry this is like really short omg, but, my study hall is about to end which is the only class I can write this in, so I wouldn't have time to make this any longer even if I wanted to.  Thanks for reading. Bye bye! <3

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