Chapter 2

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    *kokichi pov*

     My eyes shoot open as I can feel a pain in my throat, I look over to the clock 3:12 am I sat up touching my neck to see if the pain was coming from the outside.  Nope, it was definitely on the inside of my throat.  My feet touch the cold floor, I flinch a bit.  I finally stood up and walked over to the bathroom.  I looked into the mirror, I appeared pretty normal.  But I felt a tickling in my throat causing me to cough.  I bend over, this was a very intense coughing fit and it hurt.  After it stopped I looked onto the floor and saw 3 flower petals.  I didn't know what to do, this had never happened to me before.  I didn't know what it was.

I carefully leaned over and picked up the petals.  I started to inspect them, they looked like normal flower petals.  But why the fuck did I cough up flower petals?  To be honest I figured I was dreaming and went back to bed.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing.  Everything hurt, I was aching really bad.  Maybe it's just a cold? I sit up in my bed and hit snooze on the alarm clock and then immediately laying back down.  I will just skip breakfast today, I'm not hungry anyways.  After a few minutes of lying there I could feel tears form in the corner of my eyes.  I blinked a few times and they came rushing down my cheeks.  Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.  

*time skip*

     I could hear knocks on my door, I didn't bother getting up to answer the door so I loudly said "Come in!" the handle turned and the door creaked open.  Whoever it was sat down on my bed, and then he spoke.  "You weren't at breakfast today.." He said, I could recognize that voice anywhere.  The voice belonged to kiibo, we aren't exactly friends, but we don't hate each other either.  We kinda have this agreement that was never said basically it says, if you stay out of my way I'll stay out of yours.  

"I know." I said after a moment.  Kiibo sighed very heavily.

"Why not?" He asked, I came up with a lie

"Because I have better things to do than hang out with you stupid bitches." I lied to him.  Kiibo shook his head, and even though I couldn't see his face I knew he had one of those sad mixed with "really?" expressions.  I sat up next to him.  /ok nvm about the kaito, maki, shuichi, and kokichi being friends thing.  I'm gonna have kiibo and kokichi be friends instead./  

"You know you don't have to lie to me Kokichi."  Kiibo said very calmly.  I could feel a surprised look form on my face.  How did he know? No one can see through my lies.  "I just wanna make sure you're ok.  Please tell the truth, I won't tell anyone."  He added.  I sighed very very dramatically.

"I just feel kinda sick, that's all" I mean this wasn't entirely a lie, I did feel pretty sick today.  He turned to me.

"Stand up" He ordered me, but in a nice way.  I did as he said and stood up.  "Now close your eyes."  He ordered me again, I did it.  After a few seconds Kiibo wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.  I didn't know what to do.  I haven't been hugged in a while.  I awkwardly hugged him back until he pulled away.  "S-sorry if that made you uncomfortable.  I just felt like you needed one"  He apologized.

"I-it's fine.. And you're right I did need that."  I answered.  I held my arms out, signalling for him to hug me again.  He did.  We stood there for a while and I started to cry.  I pulled away and wiped the tears off of my cheeks.  I smiled. "Thank you kiiboy! I didn't know robots could give such good hugs!" I giggled.  

"That's so robophobic!!"  He yelled at me.  And I laughed so hard, I started to cough.  A petal came out of my mouth, right in front of kiibo.  I looked up and we just stared at each other.  

Word count: 713

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