Chapter 6

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     *kokichi pov*

     "H-hi?"  Shuichi greeted me

"Hey! I need your help!!"  I frantically pleaded.  He looked confused, I grabbed his hand and started dragging him down the hall.  I'm pretty sure he was too tired to understand what was going on.  We reached Himiko's body.  Shuichi's eyes widened just like mine did.  He was shocked.  

"D-did you do this?" He asked, I let go of his hand and turned to him

"Of course not! What kind of murderer goes to someone and shows them the body they just killed!!"  I yelled and threw my hands up in the air.  Shuichi nodded his head.  The speakers turned on, and Monokuma's voice was heard.  

"A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!"  The speakers turned off.  Almost at the same time, all of the doors opened and the rest of them came out into the hall.  They found me and Shuichi sitting by the body, which was probably really sus lmao.  

"Ok guys we need to start investigating while we still have time!" Kaede said, everyone agreed.  We spilt up into groups.  Kaede, Kaito, Miu, and Angie.  Kiyo, Tenko, Kirumi, Ryoma.  Maki, Gonta, Kiibo, me, and Shuichi.  Our group stayed to inspect the body, the rest of the groups went to analyze everything else.  

"It's obvious whoever did it was trying to frame Kokichi."  Shuichi said, everyone agreed.

"What if Kokichi did it?"  Maki piped up.

"Maki, Kokichi is dumb, but he's not that dumb."  Kiibo added.  I nodded my head

"Thanks Kiiboy! I didn't know robots could be so useful!"  Everyone laughed at my joke.  

"T-that's robophobic!"  Kiibo yelled, everyone laughed more.  It's kinda messed up we're laughing near a dead body, but oh well.  Shuichi began to look at Himiko's body.  

"There's a stab wound in her neck.  It looks like it would be some sort of kitchen knife as the weapon."  He mumbled, we could barely hear him.  There was dried blood all over her neck and clothes.  

*time skip*

     "And this is how the murder went.."  Shuichi said, very confident he had figured out who the blackened is.  "Kirumi and Maki were out in the kitchen getting something to drink.  The blackened walked in on them, and said that they were just getting something to eat.  While they were in there, they swiped a kitchen knife.  That was the murder weapon.  While walking back to they're victim, they passed by Kiibo.  Nothing was said or done, they just walked by each other.  Then the blackened returned to their room, where they had Himiko tied up.  All it took was a stab to the neck and she was gone.  They carried her light body outside of Kokichi's room to frame him.  A few hours later Kokichi went out to get something to eat and found Himiko's dead body.  Is all of this true.. Kaito Momota, the ultimate astronaut?!"  We all gasped in surprise.  Kaito was there crying, Maki was crying too.  He nodded his head, accepting defeat.  

"K-kaito why..?"  Maki said through her tears.

"I'm sorry Maki Roll, I had to get out of here!"  

Soon, it was time to vote, we all voted for Kaito.

"It's PUNISHMENT TIME!!" Monokuma yelled, clearly excited.  

"I'm sorry guys, please forgive me.."  Those were Kaito's last words before he was brought into his execution room.  Kaito was loaded into a spaceship, everyone watched.  Except Maki.  She couldn't look.  Kaede started to comfort her as Kaito's execution started.

The ship took off, and before we knew it the ship landed.  He did it all with a smile on his face.  Kaito was so positive, that's what I hated about him!  The door of the spaceship opened, and Kaito's body fell out.  He was still barely alive.  He crawled away from the ship, he was obviously in a lot of pain.  He crawled his way over to Maki.  He was too weak to even speak.  He just laid there, practically in death's hands.  Maki crouched down and held him in her arms, as Kaito took his last breath.  Everyone started to cry, even I let out a few tears.  

I felt a tickle in my throat.

Not now, please.  Not now.  But I couldn't hold it back.. I started violently coughing.  I stepped aside, and coughed.  I don't think anyone noticed.  Many petals and flower buds came out.  All of them were coated in thick blood.  I couldn't hide them up my sleeve this time, it would stain.  Instead I just left.  I ran through the hallways, and back to my room and into the bathroom.  I coughed up more petals, and even a whole flower this time.  Everything had blood on it.  My sink was smeared with the pink blood.  I washed it off the best I could, but then I heard a knock at my door.  I didn't want to answer it.  But I had to.  I left the petals in the sink, and opened the door.  It was Kiibo.  

"Hey Kokichi, are you ok?" He said, still wiping tears from his cheeks.  I nodded my head.

"I-.. nevermind."  I said, Kiibo looked worried by this.


"I'm on stage 2."  I mumbled under my breath.  Kiibo lifted his arms out, I hugged him.  I hugged his so tight, and I started to cry into his shoulder.  

"Shhhh.. It's gonna be ok.."  He whispered to me.  

Word count: 880

Sorry if this chapter was a little rushed, I'm not very good at writing lol.  Uh- anyways I hope you enjoyed, and sorry to all the Kaito kinnies lmao.   Bye bye! <3

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