Chapter One

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I was sitting in the Great Hall, using my golden fork to play with my chicken on the plate. My eyes looked on into nothing. What was on my mind, you may ask? Something that had happened only a year ago, exactly. 365 days since one of the worst things, of many, had happened to me in my whole life.

I thought about my heart dropping into the pit of my stomach as I saw Sirius, the only family I had left, being taken away from me. My friends watched in horror as I let out an awful, terrible, chilling scream. The air got cold as the room seemed to darken, the light of a life lost. The scream was so chilling that Hermione, Ginny, and even Luna began to cry, tears falling down her pale cheeks as her usually smiling face looked down upon me. Lupin held me back as I tried to run to Sirius, maybe stop him, grab his hand and go with him. I stopped screaming and fell to the ground as Sirius passed through and onto death. There was a lump in my throat, a painful lump that felt as though I was going to vomit up my heart. The pain in the bleeding wounds all over me was nothing compared to what I felt inside. My whole torso felt an awful feeling, my stomach queasy and my heart shattered. I cried harder than he ever had before. I thought of Hermione and Sirius at the same time and he felt so much pain, it stabbed me like the sharpest dagger. It was like everything was in slo-mo, yet happening so fast-

"Harry, are you alright?" said a voice from in front of him. I engaged with the present once again.

"Yeah, um... I'm brilliant," I said. But for the first time ever, when I said brilliant, I didn't mean it. Hermione looked at him, knowing I was lying, but also knowing I was better off not talking about it than talking, especially in Ron's presence, as he was not the best at comforting. Hermione looked back down at her plate and began to eat hesitantly.

I looked up at Ron, to see him doing what he did best. Stuffing his mouth. He really was a beast sometimes. He shoved pancakes and syrup and crepes and milk and bacon and eggs and cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties and all sorts of things that weren't even breakfast foods into his abnormally large mouth. He was chewing especially loud and I braced myself for an annoyed outrage to come out of Hermione. She threw her fork down which she had previously been using to play with her food as her eyebrows scrunched and her cheeks got red with anger.

"Ron Billius Weasely! Do shut up! You chew so loud I bet King's Cross can hear you! I mean seriously, how are you still thin? You never stop eating!" She said, in a quite fanciable outrage.

Had I just thought that? Focus, Harry...

"Bloody hell Hermione! I'm just filling my body and treating it how it deserves to be treated. Would you rather have me starve?"

"At the moment, quite frankly I would!" She picked up her plate and stormed off. She usually got angry and did things like this, but overreacting like this was unusual. Was something going on?

"Hermione, wait-" I choked, but stopped when Ron looked at me angrily. I sighed and rubbed my temple as I watched Hermione thunder out of the Great Hall. Once Ron was finished eating, I magically vanished our food and we walked out of the Great Hall. I went left to follow Hermione, while Ron went right. I needed to understand what was wrong and if she was okay. I was always there to comfort her, to talk to her...

She was like a sister to me.


Best friends.

Siblings, even.

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