Chapter Nine

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The next day, rumor had gotten around the school that Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were dating. I didn't really want anyone to know, not because I wasn't proud to be dating her, (I was extremely proud), I was just afraid of what Krum and Ginny would do to me or 'Mione. People shot me looks, I heard whispers and mutters as I walked by. But I was used to this, especially being, you know, the Boy Who Lived.  Everyone was looking at you.

I finally made it down to breakfast and sat across from Hermione, my head down. I had never felt this bad about people staring at me, this embarrassed. I was not embarrassed to be with Hermione but embarrassed to be stared at. I looked up and noticed Susan Bones, a nice Hufflepuff girl I had talked to a few times, looking at me differently than the rest. She was not judging me, more like anxious for me to do something. Waiting for me to do something. I suddenly realized there was a plate of food in front of me, that I had not put there.

"Morning, Harry-"

"Did you get this for me?"

"Uhm, no, why? Didn't you get it?"

"No... oh well, free pumpkin pasties and pumpkin juice for me." I picked up the goblet of pumpkin juice and took a few sips before Hermione snatched the goblet and dumped it out in her empty bowl aggresively. "Bloody hell, Hermione!"

"Harry! What in Merlin's Beard did you think you were doing?! You don't know who that was from! They could've done something to it!" She said, gesturing her hands a little psychotically. I laughed.

"It's fine, 'Mione, really!" I said, trying to reassure her. Momentarily, Hermione's face became pale and her honey brown eyes widened.

"Uh, Harry... your eyes..." she said, studying my eyes carefully.


"Your pupils are dialating in and out... side effects for a..." Hermione shook her head rapidly as I felt the amortentia take over me. My heart filled with lust and obsession, my eyes were blocked by anything but the person who had put me under the potion. My love for anything but the potion giver was gone, and Hermione watched my eyes trail over to the other table, which sat Susan Bones. She smirked as she saw my jaw drop at the sight of her. I had no control over my actions. I stood up aggressively, and started walking towards her table. "Love potion. Harry no! Come with me, we need to go see Slughorn-" Hermione said, taking my hand as Susan's face fell, realizing I would not come over there and confess my love to her.

"But I love her! More than anything!" Hermione stopped. "I don't love you Hermione, I love Susan!" I said, trying to pull away from her grip. She turned around to face me slowly, a sad look on her face and tears in her eyes. I could almost see her shattered heart just by looking at her. Deep down, it caused me so much pain. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, tell her I loved her and only her, but the amortentia had taken over me and I couldn't.

"R-really?" Hermione choked. But she cleared her throat and wiped her tears. "No, Harry, you don't. You have taken a lethal dose of a love potion, and I am going to fix this. I will fix this." Hermione said bravely, and dragged me out of the Great Hall. The stained glass was blurry and things seemed to be spinning in the absence of Susan. Hermione noticed how bad things were getting and we hurried to Professor Slughorn's room to try and counteract the love potion.


All I remember is waking up in the infirmary, (I actually spend a solid majority of my time at Hogwarts in the infirmary) the light of the windows above my bed shining in, attempting to warm the chill in the air. But this chill was gone as I felt that wonderful sensation of Hermione's lips on my forehead. "He's waking up!" I heard her voice call. I opened my eyes groggily and felt her hand in mine. I smiled and rubbed my thumb against hers. 

"Wh-what happened?" I asked.

"Well, I brought you to Slughorn's room, and I don't remember much, it all happened so fast, but somewhere along the line you were poisoned! I brought you to the infirmary just in time, and she gave you all these medicines and spells and you were saying my name in your sleep, so Susan ran away crying-"

"Miss Granger, your visiting time is up. I have to give him his medicine, you can come back here in around two hours," said Madame Pomfrey.


"No buts! This boy is in the infirmary too much and it's about time I give him the proper treatment he needs so he won't have to come back." Hermione looked at me and smiled, squeezing my hand.

"What? If I die from a poisoning after everything I've gone through that would be extremely pathetic, and I would want you to tell everyone I died of internal bleeding after a battle." I joked, attempting to remember what happened. Hermione giggled and let go of my hand.

"Bye Harry! Feel better!" She walked out of the infirmary, nearly running into a wall as she walked backwards, waving goodbye to me. Now I was alone in the infirmary, and I was not happy about it. I felt completely fine, besides my memory of the previous night being hazy. I sighed and looked up at the marble ceiling. Why had Susan Bones put me under a love potion, and why had Slughorn attempted to poison me?

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