Chapter Four

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I sat in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny, Hermione, Neville, and a few other Gryffindors as we laughed and joked around. But I was not having a time as good as it could have been. I was deep in thought about how my friendships were getting less fun, less close, like with Ron. How life had become so much darker for me and my friends. I missed that first train ride. Not a care in the world about relationships or Lord Voldemort. I missed it. More than anything. Suddenly, we heard the painting open and we all turned our heads. I noticed blazing red hair and light skin. Ron. He stepped through the painting and cleared his throat awkwardly after seeing i had company.

"Harry, can I talk to you in private? Please?" he asked. I looked at Hermione. She tapped her jacket pocket, where she keeps her wand. Indicating that I should be careful and ready for self defense. I nodded reluctantly and stood up, adjusting my shirt and following Ron up into the boy's dormitories. He turned around and faced me, leaning on a windowsill.

"I wanted you to know that I heard you behind the pillar a few days ago. I knew you were there, and was so in the moment that I said all those awful things to make you... i don't know, scared?"

"...Oh. Are you still mad?"

"No. I predicted it, I was just upset that my prediction had been true. I do like Hermione. A lot. So I wish the best for her... and the best isn't me."


"No, it's alright Harry, really. She deserves the Chosen One. I mean, in our second year when she ran towards you and jumped into your arms, I knew. The way you looked at her and shielded her in our third year, I knew. The way she jumped into your arms and how you comforted her in our fourth year, I knew. The fifth year, the way you guys looked at each other for comfort when Sirius died, I knew. Harry, all I wanted you to know is that I'm sorry. I'm a very jealous person and usually would take this a different way, but I wanted to approach it differently. I wish the best for you and Hermione." Ron said, and he started to walk away.

"Ron!" He turned around to face me. "You have no reason to apologize, you did nothing wrong. If anything, I should be apologizing for accidentally stealing her from you." He started walking towards me, smiling.We hugged and he sat down on his bed.

"Harry, let's be honest, the fact that she fell for you may have been an accident, but you may be quite happy that it happened. I bet you feel the same for her." He said, smirking.

"...Ron, we're, uh, just friends."

"Harry, you can lie to Dumbledore but you can't lie to me. And besides, we both knew you were lying anyway." He said, starting to laugh. And soon, we were both laughing hysterically. We eventually stopped, but I wasn't happy about it. It was the most I'd laughed since I was 13. "But seriously, Harry, you have to tell her how you feel! She won't be single for long, she's been gaining a lot of attention ever since Krum noticed her in fourth year."

"I would prefer if she told me how she feels first. That way I'm not rejected, I don't look like an idiot, and I get to understand how she feels about me first."

"Hermione might be brave, but she's just as awkward as you, Harry. Just tell her really fast!"

"Easier said than done, Ron. Don't tell anyone I told you this." We said, walking back into the common room. Hermione looked at me, looking for any bleeding wounds or signs of Rictusempra, the tickling charm, since she had heard all the laughing. I smiled at her as to say, It's okay, it went well! She smiled back, relieved. I loved it when she smiled. Her chocolate brown eyes got all creased in full happiness, her cheeks especially rosy, and her beautiful smile. I walked over to her as Ron walked out, Ginny behind him, most likely going to watch the Slytherin vs Hufflepuff Quidditch match. She was beaming and hugged me tightly, her brown curly hair in my face, but it was okay. I hugged her back, my arms around her tiny waist. She pulled out of the hug and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I wanted to pull her in and kiss her right there, her lips on mine... Bloody hell, I loved her so much...

"Thank goodness you're alive! I really thought he was going to use the killing curse on you!" She said, her hands on my face. She hugged me again, longer this time. She was in a very good mood.


"Yeah, Harry?"

"Friends do this, right?"

"...Yeah Harry, we're just friends. Don't worry."

That worries me more than anything... I thought.


That night, Hermione and I had fallen asleep on the sofa in the Common Room, not together, we were a solid 3 feet apart, but we had been talking about things that really got me thinking... we were talking about what we remembered from Sirius' death, just things that we wouldn't talk about in front of Ron. Then-

"Goodnight, Harry..."

"...Night, Mione."

I had woken up the next morning to see Hermione still asleep. Since when had she been such a gorgeous sleeper?! I looked down at my hand to see it had been slightly touching Hermione's all night. I smiled and carefully moved it out from beneath her warm palm. I looked up at her beautiful features. Her jawline, her peacefully closed eyes, her dainty nose and her perfect lips... the lips I desperately longed for. My eyes moved down, to her beautifully shaped body. Her perfect curves, it was like she was a figure carved ever so delicately to be made perfect in every way. I felt myself falling into a trance-

"FIVE GALLEONS GINNY!" I nearly screamed and leapt out of the sofa to Ron's voice coming from the boy's dormitories.

"WHAT?! RON HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Ginny yelled from the girl's dormitories. They both ran into the common room."Oh... hi Harry." She said, blushing a bit.

"I won the bet! They like each other." I shook my head rapidly at Ron, gesturing aggresively. He covered his mouth with the Daily Prophet, realizing he had screwed up. Hermione began to stir, waking up. I put my head in my hand and rubbed my temple. Bloody hell...

"You have no proof Ron!" Ginny said, her voice cracking. She sounded almost worried.

"W-what? Oh, morning Weasleys. Morning, Harry." Hermione said, a bit grumpy from being woken up.

"Morning, Mione," I said, not giving her my full attention as to make sure Ron keeps his little arse quiet.

"You're right. I have no proof. I will shut up now." Ron said. Ginny looked confused.

"Anyways... if you don't mind us, we're going to get changed now. Let's go, Hermione." Ginny yanked Hemione away, while she was still rubbing her eyes. She waved to me as they left.

I walked over to Ron. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I picked up the paper, pretending to read it, and smacked him in the back of the head.

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