Chapter Six

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I sat on the couch in the common room, in front of the fire, Hermione sitting so close to me she was nearly in my lap, trying to ice my red patch in the shape of Ginny's hand on my cheek. She held her wand which was armed with an ice charm, against my cheekbone. She turned her head back and forth, trying to examine it.

"If it would just stop swelling, I could-"

"Hermione, I'm fine. I really am! I don't care if I look like a pufferfish. It's okay!" I tried to assure her, but she wasn't giving up. 

"Harry, let me help you! You must be in such pain..."

"I'm not! It doesn't hurt at all, I swear!" And I wasn't lying. It didn't hurt. She sighed and lowered her wand, her legs still up against mine. She gave me a concerned look, but as soon as she placed her wand on her thigh, ice chunks spewed out of it and it went all over her pants.

"Agh! I forgot to put out the ice charm..." The ice melted all over her pants.

"Merlin's beard Hermione... what is up with you? Here, let me get a rag..." I said, getting up and grabbing a rag off of the table behind us. I sat down next to her and placed the rag on her upper thigh, rubbing it back and forth...

Bloody hell, this doesn't look sexual, does it?! I thought, panicking. I stopped, my hand and the rag still on her thigh. Our heads slowly lifted, our eyes meeting. There was an awkward, yet intimate tension... it was so confusing, yet I loved it so much-

"GINNY MOLLY WEASLEY! WHY IN MERLIN'S BEARD DID YOU SLAP THE CHOSEN ONE AND CALL HERMIONE A BITCH!? YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" I heard Ron boom. Hermione and I quickly moved, I threw the rag behind the couch opposite us and scooted away from her, turned away from her, and scratched my ear casually. I looked back to see Hermione had also scooted away and grabbed a book. "Oh, hey Harry, hi Hermione. Sorry about Ginny, she was overreacting, but you're lucky she didn't murder you!" Ron said, running out of the common room to look for her somewhere else.

"Hermione, I-"

"Harry, I can't do this anymore!" Hermione suddenly boasted. I looked at her, confused.


"I- ugh, for the Chosen One, you're so oblivious!" And I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Hermione, what are you trying to tell me? I admit I am oblivious but I really don't understand!" Hermione was looking down, shaking her head with her eyebrows scrunched.

"Forget it, Harry."

The next day, I was eating breakfast in the Great Hall early. I hadn't slept all night thinking about what Hermione could've possibly meant. Suddenly, I noticed her walking in the doors, a book clutched to her chest and the front two strands of her hair clipped in the back of her head. When she sat down in front of me, I took her hand in mine.

"Hermione, please tell me what you were going to say last night. It's been bothering me ever since you left for the dormitories last night, did I do something wrong-" I rambled, but Hermione interrupted me.

"No, Harry, it's okay. I was just trying to tell you that you're very... uh... oblivious about after school work." She said, nodding a bit dramatically. "We have a potions test today, and you really should have gotten some sleep. Snape was serious when he said you need to know how to properly weigh lionfish spines."

"...Okay?" I said as Hermione pulled out her textbook, turning it towards me.

"See? Page 397, it says it right there..." Hermione pointed, and we began to study. She may have thought I was studying the textbook, but really, I was studying her.

Not knowing was most likely the worst part. Not knowing if she felt the same. I wished I could just tell her...

Maybe I will.

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