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EEK #23 in harmione to #198? What did I do I don't understand Wattpad rankings at all lol

Harry and Hermione Potter stood at the Hogwarts Express, watching their children, Luna Rose Potter, Lily Ginny Potter, Albus Sirius Potter, and James Ron Potter run in circles, playing tag around them. Harry had grown a stubbled beard, had gained a sharp jawline and wrinkles, and a few gray hairs. Hermione had also gotten some gray hairs and a much more mature and wise face. Harry spun around and picked the youngest, Luna, up.

"I'm gonna tickle the life out of you!" He said, tickling her stomach. Hermione smiled fondly at her husband and daughter. Luna stared at her father with big, green eyes and black, curly hair in pigtails.

"Daddy! I wanna go to Hogwarts too! Like Albus and Lily!" She whined, crossing her tiny arms. Harry smiled and looked at red-headed and brown-eyed Lily, and blue-eyed and chestnut brown-haired Albus. They both had so much excitement in their eyes. Harry looked back at Luna.

"You're not old enough, but one day you will be the fourth daughter of Harry and Hermione Potter to arrive at Hogwarts."

"Promise?" Little Luna held up a tiny pinky.

"Promise." Harry wrapped his pinky around Luna's and she giggled. Hermione put her hand on her husband's shoulder. 

"Such a good dad," Hermione said and kissed him on the cheek. She knew it was cheesy, but she partially did it to annoy her two oldest.

"Ewww!" They cried, making disgusted faces. Harry and Hermione laughed as Harry put Luna down and Hermione held James's hand. James rested his head on his mom's arm. "Why are you guys so in love anyway?!" Lily asked, disgusted. Harry knelt before his children.

"Well, it started with a very oblivious bloke who was unknowingly best friends with his future wife for 6 years, and a brilliant, nerdy, beautiful girl who would give him hints, but he would never take them. The boy was just too oblivious." Lily and Albus were intrigued. "Until one day, the girl made her move. She couldn't take it any longer, the boy's obliviousness. And lucky for her, that oblivious bloke felt the same. Then it was young love for 4 years, then the boy proposed, then another year, and then they were married, and then they had kids!"

"That's a great story! Where'd you hear it?"

"Well, the boy and girl were me and your mom!"

"Oh! That's awesome! Why didn't you ever tell us that?!"

"Because every time I mentioned it you said ewww!" Harry laughed. The train whistle began to sound. He ushered Albus and Lily towards the train, and as they boarded, the two parents waved to their two oldest children. Harry thought he had no future- he thought he would die without love. He was just too oblivious to see that everything he could ever want was standing there, brown-eyed, brown-haired, beautiful, and brilliant. His future was right there in front of him and he had never noticed it.

~The End~

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒- a harmione fanficWhere stories live. Discover now