Chapter Thirteen

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I only got to see Hermione in three places- the Great Hall, the Common Room, and the library. Well at least, if it wasn't the Quidditch Pitch, which I don't like to count because almost all my Quidditch games result with me in the Infirmary.  We make plans to meet every morning at breakfast, so when I walked into the Great Hall at the crack of dawn, the sunrise shining through the windows, I was not surprised to see her sitting there. She smiled and closed her eyes as I kissed her on the cheek. I was, however, surprised to see the Weasleys sitting next to us. There were no hard feelings, but for the past week when we were fighting, they had been sitting at the table across from us, most likely to avoid the awkwardness. I blushed when I realized Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny had all just watched me kiss my girlfriend. I shook my head and laughed as they all but Ginny laughed and mocked us.

"Stolen snogs, eh, Harry?" Fred said, making smooching noises and fist-bumping George, who was cracking up.

"It was not a snog! It was just one peck!" I said defensively, smiling.

"I don't know mate, it could've turned into something more if we'd had our backs turned," Ron laughed.

"In the Great Hall? No way-" I just realized I had admitted I would not reject a request such as that if we weren't in the Great Hall. I rubbed my temple, trying to force back my smile as all the Weasleys, except Ginny, laughed their arses off. Hermione rolled her eyes playfully at me and turned to the Weasleys.

"Just because all of you are single does not mean you can make fun of others who at least have some success in love," Hermione said in her most know-it-all and most adorable voice possible. Suddenly, Ginny engaged in our conversation and leaned forward.

"Objection! I have a boyfriend!" She said, raising her hand daintily. I gave her a look as to say, Is it who I think it is? And she beamed and nodded. I gave her a thumbs up and returned the smile as the Weasleys and Hermione bashed her with questions about her "mystery" boy. I laughed and said,

"Leave her alone, you nosey idiots." I said, opening the Daily Prophet.

"It's not you, right, Harry?! I know you're the Chosen One but I never thought you'd be a player." George said jokingly. Ginny and I rapidly shook our heads as Hermione gave me a concerned look.

"Come on Gin, who's the lucky man!?" Ron said. "...Wait a second... if Harry was defending her, he must know who it is! Go on mate, tell us!" I shook my head and lifted a hand. But when they wouldn't let up I shot Ginny a look of permission and she nodded, as if to say They're not going to stop anyway

"Fine! It's Dean. Okay? Happy?!"

"Aha! The big, strong Dean Thomas eh?" Ron started. I nudged my head toward the door and Hermione and I waved and left the Great Hall to head up to the Common Room. As we entered through the painting, I gave her a peck on the lips before sitting down on the sofa in front of the fire, the Daily Prophet in my hands. She came over and sat down next to me. I put my arm around her shoulders as she snatched the Daily Prophet from me and read the cover.

"Two Lovebirds Dating 2 Years After Rita Skeeter Makes the Prediction. The one thing that's right that she's put in this paper, I see... and the line below, Let's Be Honest, Who Didn't Predict It? Boy Who Lived Harry Potter and Brightest Witch of Her Age Hermione Dating! Utterly disrespectful! Downright immature! She's going around acting like she's bloody Professor Trelawney!" Hermione said in a huff.

"Merlin's Beard, Rita..." I said, turning the paper a bit more towards me.

"That's the only problem with dating you Harry... you're a celebrity. Almost nothing will be private. And I'd really much prefer it private."

"If you want it private, Hermione, I will make sure it is private."

"Thanks, Harry."

"But I also would not be mad if the whole world knew I was dating the Brightest Witch of Her Age." I smirked. She playfully punched my arm, but I grabbed her sleeve and pulled her in for a kiss, her hands circling my neck. I smiled at her and continued reading the paper in my head. I felt her curl up into a little ball, shoving her face into my chest, one arm on my leg and another snuggled up into herself. I beamed as I heard her breathing even and tiny snores coming from her. I leaned my head on hers and dozed off.

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