Chapter Five

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"Lionfish spines are one of the most commonly used ingredients in potions. You must learn how to properly weigh them so at least-" Snape stopped to glare at me. "Some of you don't turn into complete failures." I rolled my eyes and put my head in my hand as I wrote on my scroll. I suddenly got the feeling someone was watching me, but not in a bad way, like Dementors or Voldemort. This one was different...

I looked behind me to see Hermione, who quickly looked down after seeing I had turned around. I smiled and blushed, as did she, but my eyes rose to something else that was red and fiery; Ginny standing in the doorway of the classroom. Her blazing red hair seemed to be on fire with rage, and her face was not red with blush, but with anger. She stomped away thunderously. I knew I had angered her, and now I knew the rumors were true. Ginny Weasley was in love with me.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but why would I marry into the Weasleys? They were already like my less corrupt family, and I think it would be awkward dating my best friend's little sister who I had seen in her robes and when she was about to go to bed. I understand it would allow the trio to stay close, but I don't know if I would be willing to go that far for the trio. I had nearly laid down my life for them multiple times, but I didn't know about this. I could hear Hermione now, "Oh Harry, don't be dramatic!" But I was so madly in love with Hermione Granger I wasn't sure.

The whole Weasley family were very jealous and competitive people, it had been hard to deal with them for the past 6 years. I had nearly lost my friendship with Ron so many times over stupid things, and Ginny was always very competitive in Quidditch. I was actually a little bit scared of what would happen if I didn't date Ginny. But I was definitely not going to. That wasn't fair to me. I thought of this as I looked at Hermione. I pictured her walking down the aisle, us teaching our children how to walk-

Damn it! I was falling into that trance again. Too far, Harry, too far. I thought this as I turned back around to face my scroll. I hadn't realized, but Snape had come up to my desk and was standing above me. He was glaring at me, most likely wanting to kill me. "Erm- yes, Professor Snape?" I asked. He rolled up my scroll, brought it above his head, and whacked me on the back of the neck. Hermione snorted and covered her mouth. I looked back at her and made a mocking face before Snape dismissed us and we picked up our bags.

As I walked out, I noticed Ginny standing behind the door. I was about to nod and smile before I saw a pale blur flying towards my face, and my cheek stung. Hermione grabbed my face and rubbed my cheek with her hand. I heard crying, gasping and whispers as people crowded around.

"Harry Potter just got slapped-"

"The Dark Lord can't hurt him but a little Weasley can?!"

I ignored the whispers and turned to Hermione. She was rubbing my cheek and looking at me, concerned.

"Bloody hell, Ginny!!" I had never heard Hermione Granger say that before.

"You knew I liked him! Bitch!" Hearing this, I was about to return the slap-

"I don't love him-" Ouch. "And he doesn't love me! What is wrong with you, Ginny!" I saw tears fill Ginny's eyes as she ran up the stairs, sobbing. I looked back at Hermione. "Are you okay, Harry?"

"Fine, Mione- I'm sorry, this is my fault-"

"No, don't you start Chosen One! This is my fault."

"Stop arguing, lovebirds!" Twins Fred and George chorused as they pushed through the crowd. "She's such a hormonal teenager," Fred said.

"Bloody jealous, I might add," George remarked. They smiled at me, their way of apologizing. I nodded at them as Hermione took my arm and dragged me up to the Common Room to put ice on my red, swelling left cheek.

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