Chapter Fourteen

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It had been weeks since I had last seen Hermione, and I was not exactly proud of it, but I had an excuse. I had been speaking to/seeing Dumbledore a lot, trying to find out more about the Horcruxes. We had just found and destroyed our first one, and we were currently returning to Hogwarts, apparating into his office. The pale blue moonlight shined down on us as I attempted to find a spot where he could rest, as he had his arm around me.

"We need to get you to the hospital wing sir... to Madame Pomfrey!" I said worriedly as I sat him down on a concrete step.

"No..." Dumbledore wheezed, his face paler than his beard. "Severus... Severus is who I need. Wake him. Tell him what happened... speak to no one of this..." he breathed. I was in complete and utter confusion, but I obliged and nodded as I started to walk out. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I turned back to Dumbledore in a panic. "Hide yourself, Harry..." he said, standing up.

"Professor, you have to rest-"

"Harry, promise me you'll stay below. No matter what happens. Harry, do as I say. Trust me." My brain was clouded with confusion and fear, but I nodded and ran to the level below the floor we were standing on, peeking up. I saw silvery blonde hair peek up from the staircase- a Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I already wanted to Stupefy him, just seeing his wand pointing at Dumbledore. "Evening, Draco..." It seemed as if Dumbledore and Draco knew what was going to happen. Draco looked fearful and I noticed tears were shining in his eyes. What was going on?! "What brings you here on this fine night?"

"Who else is here?! I heard you talking to someone!" Draco hissed, but he was not quite as intimidating as usual.

"I often talk out loud to myself. And I believe you have too... have you been whispering to yourself, Draco?" Dumbledore asked. I thought this was strange... then again, this all was strange. "Draco... you are no assassin-"

"How do you know what I am?! I'm things that would shock you!" Draco said, his voice cracking, but his wand still firmly pointed at Dumbledore. My thoughts trailed off to what this could mean, as Dumbledore spoke of Katie and the curse that had occurred... I was so confused and could barely focus, when I suddenly heard the words, "He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco said. I immediately perked up as Draco lifted his sleeve, revealing the swirling, skull dark mark on his wrist.

"I shall make it easier for you-" Dumbledore calmly pulled out his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco disarmed Dumbledore, his own hand shaking. I pulled out my wand, pointing it at him, fighting back the urge to mutter a hex. Then, the door opened again. 

"Draco, years ago I knew a boy... who made all the wrong choices! I can help you!"

"I don't want your help! Don't you understand?! I have to do this... I have to kill you!" Draco sniffed, tears running down his cheeks. The words Flipendo were on the tip of my tongue. Agh, why had Dumbledore made me promise do not go up there?! "...Or he's going to kill me!" Draco was now crying. More footsteps. Bellatrix, Greyback, and another werewolf that I didn't recognize appeared next to Draco. They surrounded Dumbledore when I suddenly heard a floorboard creak. Greasy, shoulder-length black hair appeared in front of me this time. Snape. He held a finger up to his lips, looking sweaty and fearful. I obeyed him, hoping he would understand this madness. Snape walked up the stairs.

"Good evening, Severus-"

"Avada Kedarva!"



//Hermione's POV (i switched to her POV for like the first time ever because I personally don't have much experience with grief and don't know how to describe it, so I thought I would describe how cute Harry looks when crying instead lolz)//

Hermione heard the door burst open behind her in the Gryffindor Common Room. She was kneeling in front of the coffee table by the fire, a book on Transfiguration open in front of her. Hermione didn't turn around, as she was too in-depth in her book. Then she heard short, sad breaths- crying. Hermione spun around, slamming her book shut to see Harry, wearing a maroon jacket and navy shirt, his head down as he almost sprinted towards Hermione. There were tears streaming down his cheeks and staining his glasses.

"H-Harry?!" Hermione gasped as Harry collapsed beside her, sobbing. Hermione had seen Harry cry a few times, but this was a different kind of cry. The sobs he let out when Sirius died. 

"He killed him! The little bastard killed him!" Harry said, crying so hard it was almost gibberish. He buried my head in my chest as I placed my hand on his back, scratching up to his head and rubbing his neck. I pictured my boyfriend trying to hide from all the darkness in the world, let down his guard, and just... cry.

"What?! Harry, who killed who?!"

"He trusted him! I have to go confront him..." Harry said, sniffing and his face turning angrier. "Hermione, come with me. Please, I can't let him get away with this-"

"Harry, you're not making any sense! Explain! You were gone for more than a day, and come back and say someone's killed somebody?!"

"Alright! Dumbledore explained these objects called Horcruxes. Objects that Voldemort made, erm, part of himself to make himself stronger." Harry was talking a mile a minute, but it somehow made sense to me. I nodded as fast as he was talking. "So we had to destroy them in order to defeat Voldemort-" I flinched. "And he's hidden them all over the Wizarding World. One of them was a ring that we found in this death trap of a cave-"

"Wait, wait, wait, Marvolo Gaunt's ring?!" I said as Harry stood up and started to pace, wiping tears. He snapped and pointed at me.

"Exactly! So he had to drink this water in order to get to it, and I could barely bare watching him being tortured the way he was- in summary, we almost died 5 times but we destroyed the Horcrux and when I apparated back, Draco appeared and disarmed Dumbledore, saying he was going to kill him."

"So Draco killed Dumbledore?!"

"No, but he took part. Then Bellatrix and Greyback and another werewolf showed up, threatening Dumbledore and encouraging Draco. Then, Snape showed up and used the killing curse on him!" Harry choked. He bent down again and took my hands. "Come with me, Hermione. Confront Snape with me. I want to kill him."

"...Harry, we can't kill a teacher, we'd be escorted to Azkaban and expelled. Your emotion is taking over your logic..." Harry sighed sadly. "I will go with you if you promise to do him no physical harm. Verbal only." Harry nodded rapidly, taking my hand in his and dragging me down to Hagrid's hut. I blushed as we ran together. Harry tended to get over his sadness stage quickly, then get angrier, then get sad again. So I would just have to try and keep him happy.

How in the world was I supposed to do that?

He had been through so much...

I wondered if he was even truly happy with me.

But I trusted him.


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