Chapter Ten

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The next week, I had been sitting as far away from Susan Bones as possible. She was beginning to creep me out, knowing she had put me under a love potion and all that. I was leaning on the railing of the stairs with Fred and George, and they were asking, for the hundredth time, exactly how I had gotten rid of Umbridge. Suddenly, Hermione walked up and leaned on the rail next to us. I smiled at her, and she returned it, but the twins stopped awkwardly.


"Guess we'd better leave you two alone..." they said, and started making smooching noises, running away as I chased them, wielding the Daily Prophet. I turned back to Hermione and gave her a kiss on the cheek as I leaned against the railing again and sifted through the Daily Prophet.

"Harry, I want you to try and be more cautious."


"Even if you weren't the Chosen One, I would. You're very attractive, kind, funny, my point is, you're perfect," Hermione admitted hastily, and blushed. I smiled and let her continue. "So, I feel like there are some really pretty girls who wouldn't be mad to be in my position... you know, your girlfriend? So if you would rather be with one of them instead of me because I'm not even half as fanciable, I completely understand-" she said, her eyes starting to swell with tears.

"Hermione Jean Granger! When are you going to get it in your head?! I fancy you, and I really hope you fancy me unless that was your extremely foolish attempt at breaking up with me. You're beautiful Hermione, truly! And brilliant, and funny, and everything I could ever want. Just because I didn't see it before doesn't mean you don't deserve me. If anything, I don't deserve you, okay?!" I said, some parts sympathetic and some parts, quite angry. Suddenly, a tear spilled over Hermione's eyes and she threw her arms around me, kissing my neck and sobbing.

"Harry, that was the sweetest thing-"

"That was only if I could put my love for you into words."

"Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before, expressed their love like that-"

"Really?! Blimey, Hermione! Why not?!"

"Oh, Harry-" and she squeezed me tighter, placing kisses all down my neck. I beamed, knowing I was actually making her happy.  I had few happy memories to go off of as an example, but I would try my hardest to keep her satisfied.


Later that night, we were in the Gryffindor common room after we had won a Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. Celebrating, yelling and whooping could be heard even from the Slytherin common room (we got complaints). Hermione was amongst the crowd, eating wizarding candies and chugging butterbeer. I had never seen her having so much fun. I smiled and noticed she had left her bag on the empty table next to me. I was considering taking it to Ginny at the door of the girls' dormitories immediately but decided against it when I saw a leather notepad. My eyes tried to look away, as it was an invasion of privacy, but I would not touch, I would just look, right? Nothing wrong with that! Plus, it was open. On the page, in neat handwriting it read,

I'm dating Harry Potter.

I'm dating Harry Potter.

How many times am I going to have to write that in order for it to sink in?! I'm dating the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One! I, Hermione Jean Granger, certainly don't deserve a man as sweet, intelligent, brave, and attractive as he! This has to be a prank. None of this is real, I'm dreaming. Damn it, I'd rather talk to myself than write in a petty diary like a little girl!

And then it ended. I was beaming, the page was so adorable. I doubted there were any more pages, as she scolded herself for writing in it, and I already felt guilty for reading it. So I picked up her bag and walked up to the girls' dormitories. I had my fist up to knock, but before it could come in contact with the wooden door, Ginny opened it, her blazing red hair peeking around the corner, which was almost the same color as her face.

"Ginny, this is 'Mione's-"

"Harry, I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry I slapped you. Ron didn't tell me to apologize, I promise, I just felt it was right because, you know, I slapped you. I hope we can still be friends and I understand if you don't feel the same way that I do. I will get over my feelings eventually, I swear, so it doesn't have to be weird. I was just hurt at the time because Hermione was- is, my friend and I thought she knew I fancied you." Ginny then awkwardly stepped out of the doorway and gave me a quick, gentle hug. The apology was heartfelt and it really did feel like we were just talking as friends, so I decided to keep the conversation going, attempting to talk over the commotion in the background.

"It's fine Ginny, really. It was just a slap. And, well, is there anyone else you have your eye on that isn't me? I tried to distract myself from Hermione with Cho after she met Krum, and it helped a lot for the time being."

"...Well, Dean isn't that bad I guess-"


"Harry, shut up!" she giggled. We hugged again and I went back into the Common Room to finish our celebration.

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