Chapter Two

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I found Hermione sitting at the bottom of the moving stairs, moving over every once in a while to allow someone to walk by. She rubbed her feet back and forth on the cobblestone floor, wiping her eyes every once in a while to stop the tears from flowing down her perfect face. I walked up to her slowly, and just stood there for a couple of seconds, looking down at her head in her hands, her hair looking especially nice today with a few strands clipped behind her ear. I sat down next to her, and she sniffled and wiped some tears from her face. 

"Harry, we really should move, when the stairs shift we could fall off..."

"Yeah... we probably should..."

Instead of getting up, Hermione let a couple more tears fall down her cheeks and laid her head on my shoulder. As soon as her head hit my black robes, she began to audibly cry, sniffling and making sad, sweet noises that caused me genuine pain. I sighed sadly and laid my head on hers. Sure, Hermione liked to talk it out rather than just leave it. But maybe, this was best left alone. Sadness doesn't always have an explanation.

After a couple of minutes, I broke the silence, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "I went to Dumbledore's office the other day, and he mentioned something about us being well.. Uhm... together, like as a couple." Hermione lifted her head up and gave me a confused look, clearly taking how abrupt the statement was into account. Bloody hell, I probably looked so stupid...

"What did he say?"

"...Oh, well erm, he said something like 'Oh that Granger girl' and I said 'No, no, no, I mean, she's brilliant, and we're friends, but no' I probably sounded like such an idiot," I said, chuckling under my breath at my own Dumbledore impression.

"You're not an idiot Harry. How could someone possibly call you an idiot when you have such an outstanding Dumbledore impression?" Hermione giggled, and we both laughed. Her laugh, it made me want to laugh too. It was, intoxicating, contagious, and gave me a very distinct rush of dopamine, knowing that I, Harry, had made Hermione Granger laugh. I blushed, and she must've noticed because she blushed too. 

Unfortunately, she stood up and held her hand out to me. "Coming, Chosen One?" I smiled and took her hand. We started up the cobblestone stairs, but they started to move, so we ran to get to the landing we wanted to before they moved too much, laughing. 

Where was Ron though? As little 11-year-olds, we used to do these types of things together... now he's been growing more distant, getting angrier, and we were slowly turning into more of a duo than a trio...

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to single out Ron, I wanted to be his friend, and his family was like my family. He was a very good friend and I had to fish him out of the bottom of a lake 2 years ago for a reason. Just because I had... a very close friendship with Hermione didn't mean I was trying to get rid of Ron. Besides, I wouldn't care if they had a... Uhm.. very close friendship too. 

Not one bit. 

But they had been arguing for the past six years, it seemed like they both liked me more than they did the other person, but I was okay with that. They always got along in the end, most of the time.

I was still a bit perplexed about my feelings, and Ron's feelings, and Mione's feelings, why they were both so annoyed today, but I went on with my day.


It was getting to be nighttime and I was walking back to the Gryffindor common room a little slower than usual, as I was tired when I felt someone pull on the sleeve of my robe. I turned around to see Luna. 

"It's getting dark, Harry.." she said ominously, her eyes looking through the window ahead of us.

"Yes, Luna... I noticed." And I started to walk back towards the entrance but she continued to speak.

"I hear one night a year at Hogwarts... there's a night where what you see in the stars is what you want most, your biggest hopes and dreams... sort of like the Mirror of Erised, but no one knows where that is, and it's only once a year so it's not half as addicting.." She smiled at me and skipped away humming. Now I understood why they called her Loony Lovegood. But Luna was a very good friend and sometimes she could be very smart and speak the truth. Was she indicating that tonight would be that night?

I stood in front of the window in the Gryffindor common room, hands in the pockets of my hoodie. I thought about what Luna had said as I looked out at the stars. I didn't see any patterns yet. Maybe I needed a closer look? I opened the window and sat on the window sill, my feet dangling out the window and sitting on the gabled roof. I looked up at the stars and smelt the crisp night air, closing my eyes.. and when I opened them, I suddenly saw very distinct shapes in the stars. I jumped back and blinked a few times, adjusting my glasses, but there was no mistaking it.

One was a picture of a necklace, with a circle at the bottom- Hermione's time turner. Another was a picture of a radio, with music notes and lyrics that read-

Hey little train, wait for me!

I once was blind, but now I see

Have you left a seat for me?

Is that such a stretch of the imagination?

I didn't know what these meant at the time of course, but when I blinked again, both the time turner and the radio were gone. I was so startled I almost fell off the roof, but I just simply raised my eyebrows, confused, and pushed up my glasses with my nose scrunch thing I do. Hermione thinks it's cute when I do that. I was probably just tired, imagining things. I was so tired I was believing Luna's little stories. So I flinched and climbed into bed, falling asleep almost immediately. But I noticed Ron was still not in his bed...

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