Chapter Twelve

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(INSPIRATION OF THIS CHAPTER IS FROM THE OFFICE! *SPOILERS* I thought the rocky patch in Jim and Pam's relationship was really hard and actually touched me, like having anxiety with them while watching them go through it, so I decided to try and incorporate that into this story! :))

I could feel my relationship with Hermione getting tenser and tenser, more and more out of sync. Even if it was over a tiny thing, like her notepad, it was my fault she had lost her trust in me. I had to fix this, but I didn't know how... I had never been in a real relationship and had no idea how to comfort her. In the great hall, we were still sitting near each other, but our goodbyes were less loving and, well, dating-like. For example, this morning our goodbye went like this-

"I have to go to Charms, 'Mione." 

"Okay, bye Harry," she said quietly.

"Goodbye-" I said, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek, but as I did so, she reached down to grab a book. I frowned, even though I knew she hadn't done this on purpose, and started walking to Charms. As I reached the door, I reached up to wave, but she was looking at her book. My frown got worse as I walked out. Little did I know, just as the doors had closed, she had waved back. So out of sync. So I decided to finally take action and try and fix it.

The next day, I waited in the chilly, crisp air, on the balcony outside of Hermione's last class of the day. I rubbed my arms and was tempted to go find a fire, as I had been waiting for at least 20 minutes. I tried to smooth my dark rat's nest of hair and made sure there was nothing on my face, smiling and waiting for her to come out. I finally saw her coming out and straightened my back, lifting my chin high. She noticed me and scrunched her eyebrows like she didn't want to see me. This lowered my self-esteem a bit, but not enough to shake me. "Hi, Hermione," I said, beaming. She looked up at me, a mixture of sadness and anger on her face. 

Then I hugged her. I wrapped my arms around her and I just stood there and clutched her. Squeezing her back and scrunching her hair, my face buried into her neck. It was the tightest and most passionate hug I had ever given her, out in the snow in the middle of the public. I prayed that she would hug me back, because bloody hell if she didn't, I didn't know what I would do. I felt how tense she was in my grasp, she had her entire torso all clenched up and elbows resting on my back. Although I do not know, I can only imagine, in that moment of her body the tightest I had ever felt it as I just held her, she was thinking of us and what we've been through.

The first year, the first time she fixed my glasses. The second year, the first time she'd hugged me. The third year, the first time we genuinely feared for our lives together. The fourth year, the first time I had realized how beautiful Hermione really was. The fifth year, the first time I had turned to her when I was grieving. She was thinking of what she saw in the stars on that night, how long she had waited for what we had, the true, pure, raw, passionate love she had with me. 

And then, she slowly brought her arms down to my back and immediately squeezed me the hardest she ever had. She shoved her face into my shoulder and I could feel tears dripping down my coat as she clutched me in the most loving hug I had ever received. I then pulled away and kissed her, pressing my lips against hers as she brought her hands to my neck. From this kiss, I knew that one- she was off her period and two- this love, if it was real love, would never fail. I knew that I loved Hermione, and I hoped she loved me. But I knew no matter what happened, our love, friendship or relationship, would live on. But personally, I preferred relationship.

Although our relationship was easy because we could practically read each other's minds, that week had been the most torturous week of my whole life. I couldn't even talk to her as a friend, and people were asking me why we weren't speaking. But after our little fight, our relationship immediately rekindled and we were stronger than ever. If was one fight, and neither of us had ever been in a real, true relationship so it was hard for us to understand and forgive one another for a simple mistake. Neither of us knew if we would ever be able to come back from it, but we were just oblivious little kids, young and in love.

I know I keep saying "love" even though I'm only 16, but Hermione and I had been friends for so long I had already felt love for her, just had never realized I was in love with her. So our relationship got off to a very quick start because we had been waiting for so long for it to happen. But we did not only talk to each other like lovebirds- that friendship was still there, but with a nice bonus.

A very, very nice bonus. 

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