Chapter Sixteen

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*THE ART ABOVE IS BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING! I WISH I WERE AS TALENTED BUT IT IS NOT MINE, ALONG WITH ANY OTHER ART  I HAVE USED IN THIS STORY! This, my friends, is the last technical chapter of this story at the time it takes place in. Next will be the dialogue, and then a little letter from me :) Also, ty for the support even when I was having writer's block!*

~2 Months Later~

Harry and Hermione were sitting under the same tree they had their second, but Harry counted it as their first, kiss, on top of a picnic blanket, with cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties and pumpkin juice, which Harry chugged faster than you could say Expelliarmus. Hermione snorted as she watched him devour his food and drink like a monster. Harry looked at her and smiled warmly with fond eyes.

"Happy three months!" Harry said, a mouthful of food. Hermione playfully punched his arm. "What?"

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like I'm your everything or something."

"That's because you are."

"Don't say that."

"Hermione, I thought you said your trust issues were gone!"

"They are, they are! Just, you have so much ahead of you Harry. A future, you could become the best wizard ever. Yet you call me your everything?"

"Yes!" Harry nodded. Hermione smiled and moved her legs to the side, laying down with her head in Harry's lap. Harry stroked her hair as he laid back against the tree.

"Thank you." She whispered. Harry smiled and looked down at her, scrunching his nose cutely. Hermione turned her head, lying on her back, reached up, grabbed his face and pressed her lips on his. Hermione wrapped his hands around her neck as the couple kissed passionately. Hermione let go for a second, her hands still on his face, earning a small whimper from Harry. "I trust you, Harry. It just took me a while to realize that the god damn Chosen One loved me, plain old Hermione Granger!" Harry cracked up.

"Plain?! You're brave, beautiful, brilliant, kind, strong... the list goes on, Hermione! When will I get that into your brilliant head?!" Harry said, booping his finger on her forehead.

"Someday." Hermione smiled and rubbed his cheek.

"Hopefully soon."


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