Chapter Seven

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(THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT! We're so close to 200 reads, and I'm hoping to get out of the hundreds in the #harmione ranking! I've had so much fun writing this and I hope you're loving this story as much as I am :))

I sat in the library, reading up on how to weigh Lionfish Spines, only because Hermione asked me to. The fire was warm as it reflected off my glasses. I turned the dry yellow pages, but I could barely even pay attention to what I was trying to read. I was trying to understand how long I had felt like this for Hermione but hadn't realized it. I believe in Year 1 I was a little intimidated by her... In Year 2 we were best friends... Year 3 is when I began to feel like this for Hermione. I would try and protect her, talk to her more, and from then on I had been fancying Hermione Granger.

3 years wasted on denied feelings, and now I was too nervous to tell her. Great job, Harry. You can save the wizarding world multiple times, but can't manage to tell a girl you fancy her. Simply brilliant. Suddenly, the librarian came up to me.

"Mr. Potter, you are not reading. I'm sorry, but just because you are the Chosen One does not mean you can loiter in my library."

"Mrs. Pince, I was just thinking, and also, it's okay, you can treat me like a normal person."

"Don't go acting like it's not what you deserve."

"Instead of calling me the Chosen One, people often refer to me with my first name. Do you even know my name?"

"...Wasn't it Harold?"

I got up and walked out.


I had been walking around the castle for a while now- it was a Saturday and I had nothing to do but walk and think. On my third lap, I finally turned and walked into the common room. I stood there and looked around, but it appeared to be empty. I walked over to the orange glowing fireplace, into the embers where Sirius' face had once been. But I would not cry over this again. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Hermione, her brown curly hair pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and her brown eyes seemed to be a bit troubled. She must've known why I was there.

"Oh, Harry..."

"It's fine, Hermione. Really. I just have to stay strong when everyone else around me isn't. I'm used to it, really."

"You shouldn't have to be."


"Harry, you've neared death too many times to count," Hermione said, looking down at her feet.


"And that's why I think that we have to take chances while we're still... you know... alive," Hermione said, slowly looking up. Her face was red.

"Hermione, what are you implying..."

"Bloody hell, Harry. You're so oblivious!" She then walked up to me and threw her arms around my neck, bringing them to my jaw as she kissed me. Hermione Granger was kissing me. I pinched myself beneath her touch to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Her lips touched mine and I didn't want them to ever break. When she finally broke away, I pouted and looked at her.

"Just in case I get hurt or you get hurt-"



"I will never ever let you get hurt," I said, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. "But you better not use that bloody time turner and take that back," I said, and we laughed.

"I-I... like you, Harry," she said. I looked at her, confused. "...Sorry, I just didn't want to say the L-word yet.. oh now I feel bad-" and she started to ramble and apologize and adorably act like "love" was a bad word.

"Shh, shh Hermione!" I said, laughing. "Don't say it if you don't know if you mean it yet," I said, smiling at her. She smiled back and hugged me before rushing back up to the girls' dormitories, to my dismay. I plopped down on the common room couch, fingering my lips and grinning. This was unbelievable. Really, I still didn't believe myself. I thought maybe I was dreaming or going insane. No way Hermione Granger had just kissed me.


Not that I hadn't loved the kiss, but Hermione had never really talked about her feelings with me. Maybe it had just been a prank or something. Later that evening, I looked around for her before I found her sitting beneath a tree, reading a book in her hoodie. She looked up at me and adjusted her maroon beanie, smiling. I walked down to the tree and sat next to her. I looked up at the darkening sky as the sun began to set. We sighed and I finally broke the silence, asking her a question.

"How long have you fancied me, Hermione?"

"I never said I did, Chosen One," she said, giggling. I looked at her, laughing as well. Hopefully, she hadn't meant that.

"Go on, answer the question!"

"Fine! Since the 3rd year. The messy hair, the hoodie, the courageous looking scratches, I just could not stand it anymore. I don't know, I think seeing you covered in blood makes you all the more fanciable," she joked as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Really? I've fancied you since the 3rd year as well. I mean, come on, the pink jacket, the clipped back hair," I dropped my jaw and fanned myself jokingly. "and not to mention the bad arse punch." At that, Hermione laughed and playfully punched my arm.

"Don't act like you haven't saved the Wizarding World multiple times."

"Yours truly. But you need to learn to accept compliments." I laughed. "Hermione.."

"Yeah, Harry?" Hermione said, rubbing her head on my shoulder.

"Did Luna ever tell you about the one night a year where the stars show you what you most desire?"

"...Yes, but where are you going with this?"

"I saw your time turner." There was silence. "Well, go on, what did you see? Knowing you, you would never miss out on a night like that."

"...I think we both know what I saw Harry," she said, grinning.

"A heroic Chosen One with a lightning scar, who has saved the world once again?" I joked, and she raised her head to kiss my neck. Just little pecks, but as I sat there, I gently took her chin in my hand and brought her lips to mine. I gave her a soft kiss and held her face there for a moment while I asked another question. "Are we dating now, Mione?"

"I don't know, are we?" she challenged.

"We are now." and I pulled her face towards mine for another kiss.

Two young lovebirds, passionately kissing underneath a tree, her in his lap, hand in hand... but who would've thought it would be Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.


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