Chapter Three

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The next day, Ron was still not in his bed when I woke up. At first, I thought it was because I didn't have my glasses on, but as I pulled the covers back, picked them up off my bedside table, and put them on, I saw his bed, still neatly made, sheets tucked in and all. I began to panic a bit. What if Dementors or any type of creature found him when he was wandering at night?

I walked out of the dormitories, into the common room, in my pajamas, rubbing my eyes. I looked around the common room, but didn't see him. I walked out of the common room, into Hogwarts' main hallways, to see him sitting outside of the painting next to Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. He was crying. Hopefully he hadn't noticed me, so I stood behind a pillar and listened.

"I think I'm in love with her, but she's not in love with me!" Ron wailed. "She only likes Harry because he's the chosen one! I am never going to talk to Harry ever again. Never!"

"Ron, it's not his fault he's likable-" Dean said. Thank you, Dean!

"This is going to break up our little golden trio thing and it will be all his fault! Maybe then she won't like him!"

"Ron. You can't sabotage your best friend like that." Dean said calmly. Suddenly, Seamus, who had been sitting quietly, spoke up.

"Why would he care if he doesn't like her back?" Ron and Dean were silent for a moment. I really hoped Dean wasn't going to say what I thought he was going to-

"...I never said he didn't." Dean said, and got up and walked away.

I forgot how much I had talked about Hermione in front of Dean, because he was really the only person with a girlfriend in my year in Gryffindor. So I didn't think he'd make fun of me. But I did not tell him I liked her, because I don't. I'm not in love with Hermione Granger.

Ron started crying again, a loud, blubbery baby wail. He seemed so angry and so sad at the same time... when Ron gets like this, he will stop at nothing to make sure he gets revenge on the person who did this to him. But I didn't do anything! It's not my fault Hermione is perfect in every way, and it's not my fault the feeling is mutual!

Bloody hell-


Everyone was talking about how Ron had been up all night, crying and blubbering and wailing, keeping them awake. Dean and Seamus had gotten up to try and comfort him, also known as make him shut up so everyone could sleep. I was sitting in the Great Hall across from Hermione as we ate our breakfast. It was a bit quiet, as I'm sure she had heard what happened last night as well. She seemed to be in deep thought, while I was just trying not to look back at Ron, who had been staring at us from the other end of the table, like he was plotting a wizarding war. I finished my breakfast and finally Hermione and I made eye contact. Suddenly, tears filled her eyes.

"It's all my fault..." she said. I instantly started shaking my head and grabbing her hand, trying to comfort her. "I've broken up the golden trio over something that's neither of our faults! I mean I'm not in love with you-" A sharp stab of pain hit me. "and you're not in love with me! It's not fair!" She said, tears falling down her cheeks rapidly. 

"Hermione Granger, none of this is our fault. When you think about it, it's actually Ron's fault for overreacting and jumping to conclusions. I mean, we're just friends."

"Yeah... just friends!"

"We do things that friends do."


"We hold hands, we hug, why is that so bad, Hermione?"

"It's not bad, Harry, Ron is overreacting." she said, wiping her tears as I rubbed my thumb on her hand.

"Friends." we chorused. Suddenly I felt an awkward tension, like one of us was lying... who knows, maybe we both were.

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