Thank you!!!

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Thank you guys so so much for reading this story! It is currently at 1.3k reads which is INSANE and was #18 in harmione but dropped to #198 for some reasons I don't understand lol. I ship harmione so much and I thank you guys for all the support, on all my stories including this one. Even after my long and BAD writer's block that I kept a whole chapter about, you guys still read this story and kept up with the uneventful, bad, underwhelming timeline lol

I really don't understand why this got so much support because it definitely doesn't deserve it, there's not a climax, just some cute stuff about a fantasy relationship ig :) ik I'm nerdy and inconsistent and this story wasn't amazing, but I really think I'm growing as a writer because of you guys! you motivate me to keep writing and that's the beauty of writing, the beauty of Wattpad. Thank you for reading this story and thank you even MORE if you read this mess of writing down how much yall mean to me lol

Thank you so, SOOOO much,

paisley <3

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒- a harmione fanficWhere stories live. Discover now