Chapter Eleven

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Hermione and I had made a plan to meet at Hagrid's while he was away. I had received an owl at breakfast. A small, neatly folded letter was dropped from its claws.

Hello Harry!

I sent my owl down to you, I know I could've just walked and told you, as I'm in the library, but I'm really swamped with studying and was wondering if you wanted to meet somewhere! Hagrid's, 5:00. See you there!



I smiled at her fast, scribble-like handwriting, stating that she was in a rush. Studying, attempting to get something higher than the highest score for her upcoming exam in Transfiguration. I picked up my things, gathered my bag, and walked out of the library, in search of something to do for the next three hours.


That evening, I knocked on Hagrid's wooden door, trying to make sure no one would see me. I was careful to keep my feet below the invisibility cloak, as it was nearly close to not fitting all the way around me. Suddenly, the door was flung open and a beaming Hermione appeared before my eyes. Her face fell as she realized no one was there, but she saw my footprints leading up to the door and a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. She slowly reached her hand out, and I leaned back, but I nearly fell off the step as she grabbed the invisibility cloaked and yanked it off, messing up my hair and causing me to nearly fall in the snow.


"You are so fanciable with messy hair!" Hermione said, and she grabbed my shirt to stop me from falling any farther and pulled me in for a passionate kiss, the tingly and soft sensation of her lips on mine taking over me. But I eventually pulled apart, my hands on her shoulders.

"Are you okay? That was random..." I said, taking off my coat and hanging it on the flimsy branch Hagrid called a hat stand. I rubbed my hands together and sat down, Hermione almost leaping into the seat next to mine. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I just, really love you I guess! A lot!" she said and kissed me on the cheek. She said really as though she were finally believing herself when she said it. I squinted at her suspiciously and smiled.

"I usually only get a peck on the cheek or lips when I see you. Did you have a realization about something?" Hermione looked as though she were going to burst just bringing it up.

"I think it finally sunk in! I actually believe it now!"

"Took you enough times writing it," I said, laughing. Hermione was laughing as well, but she slowly stopped, her face falling and her eyebrows scrunching. I looked over at her, making that one face I do where I get very oblivious. I slightly raise my eyebrows and purse my lips a bit. "What is it, love?" I said, rubbing her back.

"...Writing it?"

"Yes, you know, from the-" I stopped. Oh sh-



"Why did you read my notepad?!"

"I didn't mean to! It was open and in your bag, and I only read one page! I didn't even touch it, I swear!"

"Oh, god, Harry..."

"Hermione, I'm so sorry, I know it was an invasion of privacy and-" I felt my heart begin to crack, and it would soon shatter if things got any worse. I could not lose another person. Not another.

"Harry... you already know everything that was on that page, but I just want to be able to know that there is trust in this relationship! I just can't seem to believe or trust you at all! I feel like this is some joke or prank, and I'm refusing to trust you! We're going to break up and we will never speak again!" She said and suddenly broke down in sobs, leaning into my shoulder and eventually falling into my arms. I rubbed her back and smiled a smile of relief.

"Hermione, I don't know how else I can explain it!" I bent down closer to her face and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Hermione. You mean everything to me." She smiled and wiped her tears. "Also, Hermione, are you on your period?"

"How did you know?"

"Erm, I just figured."


Hermione was still angry at me for "going through her personal belongings". Seriously, I didn't even touch her notepad! It just happened to be right in front of my eyes. She sat down next to me in potions one day, and I attempted to start a conversation. Things had been a little tense between us, but I figured I would somehow be able to fix that.

"Hi, Hermione," I said, looking at her and smiling. She held her chin up and didn't respond. Clearly ignoring me. Hopefully, this was the peak of this fight we were having.

"What page are we on, Harry Potter?"

"Er- 394."

"Thank you." She said, acting all formal. I snorted, holding back a laugh. She then turned to me and gave me that look the gives Ron when she's trying to read. And that was saying something. So I sadly turned my head back to my book and turned to page 394. I tried to hold in everything I wanted to say while reading along with the class about poly juice potion, which I already knew plenty about. 

Suddenly, I heard a bang from behind me and flung around in my seat to see what it was from. It was Crabbe, bursting in the door of potions. 

"Professor Snape! Goyle was found passed out in the common room!" Snape groaned and turned to the glass, his head hanging low in annoyance.

"Don't move a muscle. Any of you." He sneered and rushed out of the room. Keeping my head down and my voice low, I told Hermione everything I was thinking.

"'Mione, I know we're in kind of a rough patch, but I really hope you can forgive me. It was an accident and I want you to know that I will always trust you and I hope you feel the same about me. I love you, Hermione. We'll get through this, I promise." I knew it was sappy, but with Hermione in a dramatic part of the month, and being Hermione, I knew it would sink in a bit more for her. I saw her tighten up.

"Harry, I don't know... I don't want it to end as bad as possible but I also don't know if what we doing now is healthy!"

"Hermione, I-"

"Not now, Harry..." Hermione choked as Snape strutted back into the room. I looked at him, gave Hermione a worried look, and went back to my book.

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