Chapter Eight

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"Harry, please get up!" Hermione said, attempting to shake the Boy Who Lived out of his deep slumber. I threw my arms behind me, stretching. I looked up to see Hermione and smiled at her.

"Hello, love."

"Why are you grinning like that?" said a grumpy Hermione.

"Just the pleasure of being able to call you love now." Hermione crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Or the pleasure of that dream you were having?! You were smirking, and- ugh" Hermione said, scrunching her eyebrows in disgust. "I get it, you're a horny bloke, but do try to avoid dreams about me, or at least until you're 18." She said, snickering. My eyes widened as I realized I had been having a dream like that. Sure, I regretted it now, but at the time, of course not.

"Well, if I'm so horny, how come you are in the boys' dormitories?!" I said accusingly, putting on my glasses from my nightstand.

"You slept in so much everyone thought you were missing! Ron and all the Gryffindor boys were in potions, so Dumbledore sent me up to make sure You Know Who hadn't found you!" I blinked a few times, in shock that I had slept in so late, missed half my classes, and adjusting my vision to my glasses.

"And you obliged?" I said in a knowing voice. She looked away, arms still crossed.

"Well, I must admit you are rather fanciable in the mornings. The messy hair, the stupid, childish plaid pajama pants... and you always wear that shirt that you can see your muscles through..." her eyes traced back to me, but quickly looked away.


"But that does not dismiss the fact that you missed half of your classes, Harry, and it's already lunch."



"We have free time. No one comes up here at lunch."

"...Harry, I-"

"Come here, love," I said, embracing her and pulling her onto the bed, wrapping my arms around her and I laid my head on hers as she put her head into my chest.

"Harry, you need to get down to the Great Hall!" But she eventually let me snuggle her for just a bit longer, in my pajamas, about to fall asleep again before she eventually broke free of my strong arms. "Harry! What a manipulative man you are!" She said, catching herself after nearly dozing off, punching my chest playfully. I knew she didn't mean this, so I smiled. Seeing this, she walked towards me and shoved me off the bed. With a thump, I rubbed my head as she burst out laughing, clutching her stomach.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?!" she said, mocking Draco Malfoy as she ran away. I got up, grinning, and chased her into the Common Room. I heard her squeal and scream playfully as I caught up to her.

(Emma was NOT the fastest)

I scooped her up into my arms and she laughed hysterically. 

"Damn it, Harry Potter, you will be the death of me!"

"And you me, 'Mione," I muttered, looking down at her and admiring her beauty. "Blimey!" I said.

"What?" But before long, with her in my arms, Hermione understood exactly what I had said. She teased me- "See something you like, Chosen One?" And at that, my pale, embarrassed face turned red and my jaw dropped at her audacity and mischievousness. And for the rest of lunch, I chased her around the common room playfully.

I love Hermione Granger. So much it pained me. I seemed to renew this realization every day, every hour, every minute, every second... but it just hadn't sunk in yet. I fancy Hermione Granger, and she fancies me. 

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