Chapter Six

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Once the door fully opend. Lyida walking in with one of my favorite bags and an outfit. She looked around the room. Till she saw me sitting on the floor.

"Scott got the necklaces and Mr. Argent, isn't the happiest person at the moment...." She tells me and I nodded my head standing up.

"Alright I need to go and detract every one on this floor.. " I tell her and she nodded her head sitting the bag down and walked out.

Walking over to my body. I got on the bed and sat on my body. I half to wait for the perfect moment. And when I heard Lydia scream it was time. As I laid down I let out the loudest scream I could and I felt myself lock into my body and I sat up screaming. Quickly I stopped screaming. Standing up and taking all. The cords out of my and changed into the outfit she brought me. It was a dress the was black and grey and my cheetah print high hill sneakers. I quickly put them on talking the things that I had on me when I was brought here and put them in the bag Lydia brought. Walking over to the door in the mirror I saw my hair was blond.

But I don't have time for this I opened the door to see if anyone was around and I was good. But Lyida saw me and she waited till I was gone to move. Because it wasn't long that I when I turned the corner she was standing by my said and as the elevator doors open I could hear them yell that I was gone. No one said a word till we hit ground floor.

"Go to school... tell no one... and stay away from the wolfs and werecote..." I tell her giving her a hug. "I'll be there as soon as I can..." I tell her before getting onto the shuttle bus that would take me up town. From there I was good to go.

Sitting on the bus I hid my face so no one could see me. But I know there's no cuts or scratches on my face. Because they held before he bit me. The only thing I have now it a scar of claw marks acrossed my stomach. That's going to be fun when someone sees it. Hey everybody I was acted by a insane mad man, caused me to almost die... yeah that would go well.

When the bus stopped i got off along with everyone else. Three blocks from the grave yard. Then from there it was a mile and a half to Aiden. First Allison then Aiden. But I know if I mess with Aiden's body that Ethan will be there. So I'll have everyone back.

No more people dieing. Not more people getting killed. I'm going to start a new.

I had no time to waste I started walking to the grave yard. I know that the hospital called the cops. And my mom. So if they called the cops Mr. Stilinski or the Sheriff knows that I'm gone. And if he did find out that I was gone before Stiles left for school. Then Stiles knows. And if Stiles know Scott will know. And if Scott know Isaac will know. And if my mom found out before Scott left for school he would know. Then Isaac would know to. They both would know. Because I know Isaac is still going to live with us. And if the group knows I'm awake and missing they'll come and find me. But I don't want to be found. I need to get this done. When I got to the grave yard. There was people digging up Allison's grave site. I quickly walked over there and to one of the men.

"What are you doing to this grave site?" I asked him and he looked down at me.

"Someone roped this site and the owner wanted to move her..." He told me. Alright May time to start the acting.

"She was my best friend, can I have a few minutes to say good bye agian?..." I asked and the three men that where there stopped and the one I was talking to nodded his head and them the men walked over to a trailer and got in.

Stay With Me (Sequel to The Alphas Sister)Where stories live. Discover now