Chapter 1: welcome to the hotel

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(For anyone new, hello there! But this is the third book of my Luigi x reader trilogy, so I would suggest reading the first two books. If you don't care then enjoy :))

I was trying to get some sleep, however from the toad's driving skills it caused the coach to tumble over and disturb me. It had been a long journey and I, along with Luigi got an invite to this luxurious hotel. We decided to bring Mario, peach and three toads.

I sat next to Luigi, holding his hand as he was asleep, my luggage was on the ground in front of me, as the coach took another horrible turn, it caused Luigi to immediately wake up and you to almost fall on top of him.

"Couldn't someone else drive?" I mumbled to Luigi, he shrugged. He was about to go back to sleep until the Polterpup fazed through your chair, and myself, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine. "Didn't I tell you to stop doing that?"

The ghost dog tilted his head at me, something in his mouth, Luigi pulled it out and saw it was the invitation to the hotel, "I can't believe how lucky we are to get this invitation!"

I of course gave a nod in agreement, the polterpup started to get comfy on my lap as I stroked him. I let out a small chuckled and leaned my head on Luigi's shoulder.

There was a comfortable silence for a moment until Polterpup let out a small bark as he looked out of the window, I followed his gaze to see this beautiful golden hotel, shining as the sunlight hit it. "Wow..." I muttered, lost for words. The coach was then parked as everyone hopped off. I quickly grabbed my f/c luggage bag and stepped out of the coach with Luigi and Polterpup.

As the three of us entered the large building I  saw beautiful swan statues near the entrance and the whole area shone in all its pride, the chandelier hung above, lighting up the room. However I noticed something strange, the staff seemed to be wearing robes and masks, which made me uncomfortable. "I'm guessing you're seeing what I'm seeing," Luigi asked, looking into your eyes, I nodded slowly as my eyes scanned the faces of the  others, no one else seemed to noticed.

I tried to brush it off and walked towards the reception to check in. You lightly tapped the bell as the figure flinched in surprise, "welcome to the last resort Y/N, are you ready to check in?"

I gave him a questioning look, "you seem familiar, do you know my name?" then my eyes widened. "Steward?"

He gave a small nod, I couldn't tell what he was feeling under that mask, but if this was my old friend then I wonder how Chambrea is, it was only them two I had around as friends. However my thoughts were cut off as a newcomer could be heard from above.

"Guests welcome to the last resort!" A female voice called, "my name is Helen gravely, and I'm the owner of this hotel!"

That name also rang a bell, but it unsettled you. Wait she isn't...?

I then looked at Luigi, he stared at me questionably, Mario patted him on the back which caused him to pull his eyes away from me. Then we're then whispering to each other with the princess, giving me looks every few seconds.

Helen walked, or more or less floated, down the stairs and faced me and Luigi. "You must be all very tired, come! Allow me to show you to your rooms. Don't worry about your luggage, our staff will take care of it!"

I noticed that everyone's luggage was being pulled away as Steward wiped his face, Helen then leans closer to Luigi as she put her makeup on, "your VIP guests after all, your rooms are filled with the trapping of luxury, shall we get going?"

Not so relaxing hotel (Luigi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now