Chapter 2: E Gadd's request

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The contraption started up as Luigi was  looking at it in the elevator, he placed it on the floor as he did a few things and the elevator tracker was installed. "Hello Luigi it seems like the installation was a success!" E Gadd said happily. "This elevator tracker will take all the data from the floor and display it on this monitor, oh yeah Y/N how about you install the elevator buttons?"

I gave a small nod as I pulled out the one with a '1' engraved on it and moved it towards the panel however the button then flew towards it and fixed itself into place, "ok then," I mumbled, I then pulled out the one with a '5' and allowed it to fly in position. "That's neat."

"Now you can visit a new floor!" E Gadd spoke as he appeared on the tracker again, "the elevator tracker also links to the Vb, displaying the map on the VB, speaking of which, we need to test the VB, Y/N, selected E Gadd hotline on the VB and then place it over your eyes, I'm counting on you!"

I sighed heavily and pulled out the bulky invention out of my pocket, which I'm surprised how it even fitted, and pressed E Gadd hotline, reluctantly putting the VB in front of my eyes "Testing, Testing... one, two, three... am I coming in loud and clear?"

"Yep, I can hear you perfectly." I responded.

"Fantastic! That means the VB communication system is working perfectly!" E Gadd proudly responded, "now I have a job for you and Luigi, my briefcase is on F5, it's got someone inside that misses you a lot, even if he's controlled by another he still has some control and of course can speak, my room number is... oh blast what was it again? Well you have a map I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"Alright, goodbye!" I smiled as I placed the VB in my hoodie pocket. "Before you ask, he wants us to go to Floor 5 to retrieve his briefcase and the map should show us were it is."

Luigi hummed in response as he pressed the Floor 5 button and the elevator started to rise, "I hope we find everyone else," Luigi mumbled, "and if you don't mind me asking, why do you share a last name with the hotel owner?"

My eyes looked at the floor in shame. "I... I'll tell you soon, for now we should focus on the objective ahead of us, saving everyone."

Luigi nodded as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I slowly walked out with my flashlight in hand until you heard the VB ring with some sort of weird new Ringtone, however it still had the same tune as the Gameboy and the ds, "Hello?" I answered as I looked into the VB.

"There's something I neglected to mention, you can use the new suction shot, there's a button next to the 'suck' and 'blow' switch that will activate the suction shot, you can then shoot it at objects and then pull on the rope to fling those objects and smash them. Remember that!"

"Conveniently there's stuff blocking the way, so might as well practise," Luigi stated, I gave a quick nod and I aimed the plunger at one of the luggage cases blocking the way, I shot and grabbed the rope with the vacuum and pulled back a bit, then flinging the luggage into the air and onto the floor with force, smashing it. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks sweetheart," I panted, "now you try!" Luigi then did what I said and used his plunger to remove the luggage. "Now let's explore these haunted halls." He gave a quick nod as he followed you through the strait hall. All was fine, until the cleaning supplies near the large window took off on its own, causing Luigi to yell out in fear and tugging in your shoulders. Looking back at him you rolled your eyes playfully but my attention immediately snapped to the corner as a distant mocking laugh could be heard. "Ghosts, of course."

"Wait Y/N!" Luigi called, however I already took off and reached the corner of the hallway, the supplies all on the rack that sped off 'on its own' My boyfriend caught up with me and looked down the hall. I quickly pulled out the VB.

"There's a mark in a room over there," I said as you pointed towards the end of the hallway. "We need to pass this rack, meaning there's gonna be ghosts any minute now!"

As soon as I said that three ghosts popped out of the cleaning supply rack and destroyed it, the exits were blocked and the ghosts were armed with dusting brushes. "Let's-a-go!"

I immediately stunned two of the ghosts close together, the other one looked shocked at your actions but was then flashed by Luigi. I then began slamming the ghostly souls into the ground until they were nothing but particles, which then went inside the nozzle of the poltergust G-00.With the ghosts gone, I made your way to the far room, Luigi quickly followed suit.

"Let's get this briefcase and we can be out of here," I said, but you open the door to see the maid, Chambrea, cleaning the room. Until her eyes met the briefcase. She picked it up, trying to open it, however Luigi then nudged you out of the door frame and the door shut, causing Chambrea to turn around.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed, "you should be with Hellen!"

"No I'm not being with King boo for her! And we need that briefcase." I said, Luigi just watched as The maid then swallowed the briefcase.

"Well, if you want it you have to come find me!" She fazed through the wall, however she became stuck in the wall.... After she groaned in Annoyance and struggled she finally got through, and left me and Luigi in silence.

"Well that could've gone better..." Luigi mumbled, he then looked you in the eyes, "sorry for making the door close."

I sighed and shook your head, "no it's fine, I don't think there would be anyway to stop a loud door in a haunted hotel." Luigi chuckled to himself. "Let's get Chambrea."

That's only until three goob's appeared, this time with maid outfits, and caused the door to be blocked yet again...

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