Chapter 11: prehistoric shadows

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The button flew into its hole and this time nothing came to take it away. Our next destination was the unnatural history museum, wow they really do have everything here don't they?

I pressed the button and the elevator started to ascend, silence grew and it became unnerving. "Soo...a museum huh?" I said to break the silence, "I wonder whats in there."

"Bet it's full of dinosaurs," Luigi huffed, "maybe we'll see bowser here?" I tried to stifle a laugh, "you can't say that!"

Gooigi then started to laugh, "who's this bowser anyway? Oh wait I've seen him before, that large dragon guy who keeps stealing that princess peach?"

"Yep! I've taught you well," I said proudly. The elevator then stopped and the Doors slowly opened, we all exited and wandered around, looking at all the artefacts. Eventually the search lead us to large red curtains. I grasped onto one rope whilst Luigi tightly grabbed the other and we both pulled, revealing a large corridor leading into a massive room, a large skeleton of a t-Rex stood proudly in the back.

"Come on..." I whispered to the Luigi's, Gooigi then went back to Luigi's poltergust as my lover followed close behind, yet the closer we got to the room, thunder would strike and the dinosaur would gradually move. "I don't like this, Y/n," Luigi stuttered. My eyes then caught sight of a painting with toad inside. "There's a toad here!"

I started walking towards the painting leaning on the iron rails, however I noticed Luigi's shadow next to me morph into my shadow, he didn't seem to notice so I shrugged it off. Luigi then began to free toad from the painting, until a large t-Rex shadow loomed over us.

I turned around and my eyes widened in fear as the large dinosaur roared and got ready to swing at us. I pushed Luigi out of the way as the dino grabbed the toad painting and swallowed it, the painting was then absorbed into some energy coming from the heart of the skeleton. "We need to get that painting back!" Luigi yelled, however something happen, as if everything switched off after seeing toad being taken away.

~•Luigi's PoV•~
"Y/n?" I called as the dinosaur roar angrily at us, wanting to desperately take a bite from our fresh flesh. "Y/n, are you alright?" I asked turning around, she was just standing there. After a few moments a large shadow then formed under her and suddenly she disappeared. "Y/N?!"

Everything would of been silent if it wasn't for the t-Rex screeching and knocking down eggs from the pterodactyl statues. Then something else emerged in y/n's place.

"Is that you, love?" I nervously questioned, the black cat stared at me angrily, white eyes glowing beneath the skull it wore

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"Is that you, love?" I nervously questioned, the black cat stared at me angrily, white eyes glowing beneath the skull it wore. It then prepared to pounce at me and I immediately got the flashlight ready.

The cat then smiled, "don't worry of course it's me!" I let out a loud sigh of relief. "Such a anticlimactic transformation Am I right?"

My head then turned towards the dinosaur contained by the two large iron poles. "I guess we should defeat that thing?" I nervously questioned. Y/n nodded and then sank into the ground, a black shadow moved on its own in the ground.

The two eggs still laid on the ground so I quickly grabbed one with the poltergust and shot it towards the Dino, it caught it in its mouth and struggled to bite down on it. Y/n then appeared and soccer kicked the second egg into the dinosaurs chest, I stared in amazement at what she did, "that was cool, how did you do that?"

Y/n chuckled and shrugged, "I don't know myself." Suddenly the Dinosaur turned and swung its tail, I ducked and y/n melted into the floor, the sudden swing also broke one of the pterodactyl skeletons.

"We can't keep it occupied now," Y/n said as she reappeared next to me, then Gooigi came out and stepped in front of us. "What are you doing, Gooigi?"

He turned towards me, "being bait of course!" Before I could protest he ran towards the t-Rex and was flipped into the air and eaten, however his body made the skeleton's jaw completely stuck. "Quickly, Luigi!" I then shot the last remaining egg at the dinosaur and Gooigi returned to the poltergust.

Then the dinosaur used enough strength to break free and roam the room, breaking all the other statues in its quake. "We need to improvise..." I mumbled, quickly moshing the dinosaurs large feet from crushing me.

I then noticed Y/n kicking debris of the Dino statues and that was seemingly doing something. However I then witnessed her go under the ground to avoid a screech sound wave from the Dino. That's when I saw her merge with the dinosaurs shadow and attacked the beast as living black mist.

I didn't watch in amazement and quickly headed over to the many pieces of broken bones and shot the t-Rex in the chest whilst y/n kept it occupied. Eventually the dinosaur was defeated and it fell into a large pile of bones. No toad painting came out, but a caveman ghost had emerged from the pile in a daze.

The ghost swiftly grabbed a bone ready to wack me across the head, but y/n jumped into the way and roared at him before melting back to normal. "Give toad back. Now." She harshly snapped at the ghost, the caveman gave us the painting in fear and I quickly let Toad out.

"You are a dangerous creature Y/n," another shadow came to life and smiled smugly, "I'm glad you yelled at Ug over here, nothing gets through that thick skull of his!"

"Thanks?" Y/n awkwardly said as she returned to normal, the cat then took off the skull, showing a large nasty scar that went from his ear to the chin, "the names Teivel by the way."

Toad then popped out of the painting and immediately grabbed onto my leg in fear, "'s alright buddy!"

"But the ghosts!" The blue toad muttered. "They won't hurt you," Y/n stated she then looked down, "is that an elevator button? How did you get it?"

The toad shrugged and then handed it to her, "I don't really remember, but could we leave? This floor gives me the creeps..." I nodded and y/n said farewell to the ghosts as they tried becoming friends again.

~•Helen's PoV•~
Yet again, my precious y/n and that...plumber had rescued another toad. I smashed my arms against the arms of my chair and my polterkitty stared at me before fleeing.

I turned my chair around to face the two goobs from before, "well don't just stand there! Go do something useful!" They fazed through the walls after simpering in agreement.

"That Luigi is starting to get on my nerves, y/n too..." I mumbled, "soon we will have them...yet not even my polterkitty could get ahold of them!"

Polterkitty meowed at me before curling up into her bed. I sighed in annoyance. Those cats are becoming a bother...I then felt someone watching me.

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