Chapter 17: that darn cat!

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The polterkitty had eaten the elevator button...again, Luigi tried to approach her carefully, "n-nice kitty..."

However the polterpup jumped through the wall and saw the cat, eager to play with her, however the polterkitty ignored him and strutted away and left. "Great..." I growled under my breath as I exited the elevator, Polterpup had already wandered off and followed Polterkitty through the walls.

Luigi caught up with me as I entered the reception, "I guess we're doing this again?" He chuckled nervously I gave him a glare as we followed the prints to the weight room (idk if that what is called but just go with it).

Polterpup seemed to quickly know where the fleabag was hiding, being inside the punching bag, however as I got close, a large paw with freakishly long claws swiped at me and I quickly stumbled away and landed on my rear. "Thank you," I whispered as Luigi helped me up.

The attack scared polterpup as he was now whimpering and lying down on the floor away from the punching bag. "Oh you've done it now!" Luigi grabbed the large boxing glove off the floor with his poltergust and shot it at the bag, the cat scrambled out and climbed up onto one of the light before calling for back up.

Four goobs and a slammer came out of the ground and the polterpup sprung up and starting barking at Polterkitty. I took care of the slammer as Luigi kept the goobs away from me.

Even more goobs arrived but we both took them out quickly. Unfortunately the kitty left but Polterpup tracked her down and she was playing with a feather toy, Luigi stunned her and she transformed into her beast form. I quickly turned around as Luigi backed off slowly. "Now!"

I heard him shout out and I swiftly turned around and flashed, and removed one of her tails. She then went through the floor into the big catch.

So we descended to F12, navigated to the large room with the ship and took another tail, she then left for the twisted suites and polterpup followed.

"Let's go back to the elevator then..." I heavily sighed as we walked to the elevator. Luigi then started to fiddle with his fingers, "umm Y/n, I was you ever think about Marriage?"

"Woah, hold on," I stopped in my tracks and looked at my boyfriend dead in the eye, "what did you say?"

Luigi looked to embarrassed to say anything and he just but his hands in his deep overall pockets, "nothing...let's just catch this cat..."

Thing is, I did hear what he said, bringing up marriage at a time like this? We quickly entered the elevator and when we got around halfway to the twisted suites the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out. "Hey what gives?" I yelled.

Three goobs then approached us however they were quickly taken out and the lights quickly came back on and the elevator began running again.

When we arrived at the twisted suites Polterpup guided us towards her she seemed to be inside the saw box on the stage. "Ok get Gooigi out, you two can open the flaps and I'll flash her.

Luigi nodded as Gooigi slithered out from the mention of his named, they opened the flaps with their suction shot and exposed her, I quickly flashed and she transformed, breaking the box and leaping onto the rim of the stage.

Luigi ran to an open spot and turned his back, as the cat approached him and then readied to attack, I shouted, however as soon as Luigi turned and flash she quickly ran behind him and mauled him, flung him into the air.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY LUIGI!" I transformed into my black cat form and leaped at the polterkitty, we wrestled and hissed at each other before Gooigi flashed her and finally caught her, the button flung out of his goo poltergust.

I quickly rushed to Luigi's side, "are you alright, honey?" His clothes were wrecked, hair sticking out in places and he was covered in scratches, "I-I'm fine, but can we go up to my hotel room? My case is up their with spare clothing."

I nodded and transformed back and me and Gooigi helped him to the elevator, we came to the R.I.P suites and Luigi changed clothes, I brushed his hair back to how it normally looks and we took a trip to E Gadd to patch up the scratches.

"At least this time you caught that mangy beast!" The old man chuckled as he wrapped bandages around Luigi's arm. "Alright you could still be good to participate in fights, but just be careful lad."

Luigi nodded and he and I left the lab hand in hand, we were almost done with our third ghost hunting adventure.

I'm so sorry that chapters are coming out so slowly, but I'm loosing motivation to continue, but since I have like 3 chapters left I'm still going to write but take a long break before my next project.

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