Lies - Chapter 1

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Hi! So this is my first fanfic... I hope y'all like it. The chapters will be kinda short but there will be longer updates soon.

Jack Johnson's Point of View (POV)

His eyes. The way his hair was always perfect. He's beautiful on the inside and out. When he smiled, it didn't matter if you were in a bad mood or not, you would immediately smile too. I snapped out of my reverie.

Yes, him. A boy. Get over it.

And if you haven't guessed who it is already, it's Jack. Jack Gilinsky. My best friend since kindergarten. The guy I've known for 13 years now. The reason why people watch our vines.

"Jack are you okay?" He asked me with worry shadowing his face.

" Oh yeah. I-I'm fine." Lies.

I wasn't okay. We were hanging out with his 'girfriend'. She is a slut. Just a total slut. She sleeps with every guy in Omaha. Even Skate! (Nate Maloley) Why haven't I said anything yet? Because I wouldn't hurt my best friend by saying something like that.

"Are you sure? You look sort of concerned." The slut asked me.

Really? You have the nerve to ask me that? Don't even.

Then, something inside me snapped.

"No, of course I'm not okay! You go behind Jack's back and sleep with every guy in the city of Omaha!"

I couldn't lie to him any more.

She gasped.

"What!? You cheated on me!?" Jack's voice cracked.

" Jack I-"

"I had suspected something was up, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I trusted you. But now, hearing this from my best friend, whom I trust more than anyone else in the world, I don't want to hear your excuses. Get out of here. We're done!"

When he said that it vaguely felt like a blessing. I might have a chance with him. But through all these years, he hasn't seemed interested even once.

She hesitated, but stood up, grabbed her purse, and stormed out with a slam of the front door. About time too.

We stood there in an akward silence.

Not saying a word.

Then he broke that silence.

Jack Gilinsky's POV

"Thank you Jack... For telling me about this." I said slowly after a long pause.

He looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I-It's nothing..." He said sheepishly. He's so cute when he's shy.

"Well, I have to run." I shrug. "You know, go home, get ready, and pack for the tour."

"Yeah me too..." He says." See you tommorow then?"

"Yeah, bye man."

I went to give him a hug, but as soon as I made the advance I saw him tense up. Instead, I patted his shoulder, and shuffled past him out the door.

Next day, 11:56 AM

Jack Gilinsky's POV

So tonight JJ and I leave for our Digi Tour. I'm so psyched for this, and very thankfull I get this opportunity to be happy and live my dreams.

I freeze. Someone's in the house. It shouldn't be anyone, because I'm supposed to be home alone. Terrified, I reach for the closest thing to me that can be used as a weapon. I look down. A pillow. Seriously? I turn and face the origin of the noise, and jump nearly six feet into the air. There, standing three feet behind me, is Jack Johnson.

"JJ!" I yell, drop the pillow, and fall to my knees clutching my heart. He burst into laughter. He tried and tried again to stop laughing but he just kept going. I love his smile. It gives me a wonderfully warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside.

He acquired the breath to speak. "I'm- Sorry Jack. I can't stop- Laughing!" He said between breaths.

"Yeah, yeah man. You packed JJ?"

"Yeah," He puts his hands on his partly bent knees and breathes deeply. "I'm ready. You?" After a beat, he straightens his back and sits on the couch, no longer laughing. He rests his elbows on his knees and intertwines his fingers. His face is scrunched up like he's biting his cheek.

He looked different. Very unlike his happy and upbeat self. (Other than the insane outburst he just had) He looked... Sad. His body said nothing, but one look into those big blue beautiful eyes gave everything away.

"Jack? Are you alright? You seem agitated." I suddenly asked, which made him shoot his eyes up, meeting mine. I think he was staring into my soul.

"Yeah. I-I'm fine." He looked looked away quickly. Lies.

"No you're not. JJ. Come on. I can tell when something is up. I've known you for too long."

Jack Johnson's POV

Should I tell him? Should I keep it to myself? What will happen if I just don't say anything? What if this whole thing would just stop? Why can't I just face my fears? I don't want to tell him. I'm scared he'll look at me different. Or he might not want to be friends with me anymore.

"Jack? You in there buddy?" he says, waving a hand and snapping in front of my face, jerking me out of my troubling thoughts. He stands up and sits next to me on the couch.

"Oh... Uh... It's kind of a long story."

"I have time." God, Jack. Why?

"Well. I like someone. And I know he doesn't like me back. Because..."


"Yes, he."

"So that means you're...?"

"Yes. That means I'm..." oh God, here goes nothing. I gulp. "...Gay. I'm sorry if you don't want me as a friend anymore. I understand"

"Jack, I would never, ever judge you, no matter what you do. Okay?" He stares at me with wide-eyed concern, and what could be percieved as... Love? Dedication? No...

"Who's the lucky guy?"

Lucky? Don't say it Johnson. Don't...!

"Uh-h he's ..... you?" Damn.

I tried to make the statment but it came out more like a question.

"Me?" He says, less astonished than I thought he'd be. Was he expecting this?

"Y-yeah." I say shakily. Get yourself together man. I mentally slap myself. Stop stuttering so much!

Jack Gilinsky POV

I was scared. honestly. I didn't know what to say. Or what to do for that matter. But I have to do something. Say something. Say something Jack!

"I-I'm sorry. JJ I'm not... Gay." Lies. So many lies. " But I still support you, In every single way."

I could see that he was hurt. Very hurt. And it was obvious that he was trying yet failing to hide it. It felt absolutely horrible. Is this what it feels like when a heart breaks? I didn't know what I said or why I said it. It just came out, and I screwed everything up. Damn it! What will I do now?

~ Queue the sad music ~

Hey Ya'll ! This is my first fanfic about Jack and Jack together (or anyone, really) I hope you like it and I will update as frequently as I can.

P.S. ~ If you don't like gay people or you don't support it then don't read my SHIZ!

ANYWAY Love ya ! Bye! <3

Edited by: josie_99, 2/15/15

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