38. (nsfw)

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Closing the door behind them, knowing Leonora was right there, knowing that Leonora KNEW what they were doing. It all made Eddy incredibly nervous and self conscious. What if he couldn't perform this time? What if his cum was weird or if it was too little?

What if his swimmers just didn't work? They should probably have gotten that checked out beforehand. Was it even a good idea to bestow a poor child with his genes?

"You're so tense," Brett hummed softly as Eddy sat down on the edge of the bed. Brett crawled up to sit on his knees behind him and wrapped his arms around him, making sure to give him a little squeeze to make him relax. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm just nervous," Eddy half lied, leaning back into Brett's arms. He wss convinced Brett's arms were magic, always able to make him feel safe. "And I'm worried I won't be able to get it up because of it, which only makes it worse..."

"It's okay, love, we'll figure it out, okay?" Brett mumbled, placing a kiss on Eddy's neck before letting his hand softly rub circles on Eddy's lower stomach. His tone was a bit off, but Eddy figured he was nervous too. That made sense. "You want this, yeah?"

"I... I do," Eddy exhaled, licking his lips. "I really want to so this with you, to actually... To actually be part of making our child..."

"Well, this is the part we make our child together," Brett hummed softly, and Eddy blushed at that. It was nice how Brett said it, how it was about them together. He was happy Brett was able to see it that way, and not like Eddy and Leonora were doing their thing while he just got to watch. Not like he so often had felt while waiting for Elise. He wanted Brett to feel like he was equally a part of this, because he was. There was no way he'd do this if Brett didn't want it too.

"It is," Eddy nodded, looking over at the little plastic cup and the syringe they were to fill with his cum from the cup. It made him even more nervous to see it.

"Relax, love," Brett purred softly, letting a finger glide over the front of Eddy's trousers. Eddy sighed softly and let his head drop back onto Brett's shoulder as Brett pulled his attention back to him. "I'll make you feel good, okay?"

"Okay," Eddy exhaled, feeling his body react to Brett's touch. Brett knew him well, knew what to do to get him going, how to tease him.

"You're already getting hard," Brett mumbled teasingly into his ear, making him blush. "You're so ready to make that baby, huh?"

"God, shut up," Eddy gasped, spreading his legs slightly apart as Brett pressed his hand down over the growing bulge in his pants.

"Hm, I don't think I will," Brett chuckled softly, kissing his neck. "I think it's adorable when you're all flustered and bothered."

"You're a big meanie," Eddy pouted, pushing his hips slightly forward into Brett's hand. "Here we're supposed to... to have a nice time... make good memories... and you're just bullying me..."

Brett snorted at that, shaking his head slightly.
"I'm having a great time bullying you," he joked, finally moving his hand to unzip Eddy's pants. "I'm just joking, baby, I'll stop bullying you, baby. How's that?"

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