3. Fading memories

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Tyson would take his dagger out and start to shave his beard.
Tyson's face would end badly cut but he didn't really care. As he saw a man sitting on the water bank.
Tyson seemed very surprised he didn't expect anybody to be out here this late. Tyson approaches the man with caution.
"Oi who goes there"
The man said without even turning his head.
"Tyson is my name but you can just call me the hound"
Tyson said
As the old looking Fisher man tilts his old wood straw hat. The man was wearing a black vest with a fish on the back he also had simple looking shorts and a white shirt. He was just a basic looking fisherman no fighting Aura could be sensed off him.
"Oh so your the legendary Hound I've heard all about"
The man said
"Yes, but why are you out here sir, what's your name?"
Tyson asked
"Call me Sakana Poisson, or just chum"
The man said.
"Chum?... What the-"
Tyson said in visible confusion
"Hey you have no room to talk, your called the Hound"
Chum pointed out.
Chum would then eye Tyson
"... Well why are you out here"
Tyson Asked.
"Waiting for you"
Chum said
"What for!"
Tyson said as he felt creeped out.
"It was my fate, to help you learn magic"
Chum said with a bright smile.
"I can't learn magic"
Tyson simply said
"Nonsense anyone can magic you just have believe"
Chum said as Tyson was about to leave.
Chum would stop him by creating water chains
Tyson would struggle as chum uses water knockout bubble to knock out Tyson.

Tyson would awake he was chained up
"He what the hell old man"
Tyson yelled
"I have to remove the magic curse that is placed on you real quick"
Tyson would sigh
"What do you mean, you better not kill me"
Tyson yelled.
As chum would use his water magic, to send in to Tyson's body and remove a dark like liquid from it. In a instance Tyson felt completely different he felt filled with energy.
How could this old man be so powerful he seemed so useless but his magic is no joke this man could probably destroy armies if he tried.

Tyson was then freed
"Ok old man I'm going to ki-"
Chum would interject Tyson before he could even finish.
"You feel different already don't you your magic is powerful but you still having a lot your full potential they hidden away your true form I wonder why"
Chum said
Tyson glances at him
"What are you saying"
Tyson asked
"Well your full power is locked behind a gate within your own body, I could since you great power I could since how it was locked up somehow so I decided to help you."
Chum said
"You are a very weird old man but whatever can make me stronger I'll take it"
Tyson admitted
"You don't have just one type of magic you could possibly have all which is rare"
Chum said
Tyson was took him back by these words and could not say anything.
"Now it's time to unlock your magic"
Chum said as Tyson looks away.
"Fine you can help me"
Tyson said as he looks around.
Chum would then point to a cave and head that way.
Tyson followed behind.

Meanwhile: inside the pit, the area they kept dead bodies in kasha.
There was some kind of person moving around they were dressed in all black, which had skeletons like things, all over their body they had a green staff which, they used, to pour some kind of energy into a body.
One of the bodies had its head reattached to its body. This body already had craters inside its face this body already looked very familiar, in a way this body was very disgusted.
Long like dirty nappy hair the body had and then the body would stand.
"Rise new found dread walker Curt"
The voice from the figure said.

Lian would look away she missed the company of Tyson and Julie at least when Tyson was gone she now had Julie, but now Julie has been gone for a few weeks now she was getting worried.
Lain bites down and remembers something, a memory from a far.

It was a hot day in the kingdom the king at the time was Lord vessel, Lain and Tyson we're in the woods playing around, Lain had parents growing up but Tyson never really knew his family maybe that's why he turned out the way he is. Lain would tackle Tyson as they fell down a hair.
Tyson would land on Lain and get up immediately.
Once he stood up Tyson could clearly see some type of soldiers, Knights of the orcs well these weren't nights these were vicious bloody warriors who would kill even children just for fun.
Tyson grabs Lian and leads her to a bush as the orc gets close.
These monsters had a few human and elf heads on them already they were bounty hunters killing just for fun what a way to live a dark way of just killing.
Lain was terrified of these monsters Tyson tried the best to remain calm as they got closer. But then one of the orcs see them but before they could do anything else a middle age fisherman appears and tells the orc something that makes them leave Tyson and lain couldn't make out what he said, and didn't know if he knew they where in the Bushes, but after this Tyson promised to take care of Lain.

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