16. the man that came back from the dead

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Tyson looks around as the people before him look terrified

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Tyson looks around as the people before him look terrified.
"Well now,"
Tyson said I see quickly knocked out his Uncle.
"Does anybody else want to try anything, I'm only leaving alive because I need questions or he would be dead right now."
Tyson said as
Smit rushes him aiming for the head.
Tyson said as he blasted a bolt lightning by accident through, only trying to use a tiny bit of his power this would instantly concuss Smit.
Everyone then looks at him.
Tyson said. As he looks around.
Zero then flops to the floor taking her clothes off.
"You are my Alpha you can have me"
Tyson looks away.
"Clothe your self, I don't care about that I have a lot of my mind right now I'm trying to figure things out about what just happened, plus I already have a beautiful woman"
Tyson said.
Zero would sigh
"but you are the alpha you can have all the women you want now"
Zero said.
"Don't care, tie those two up or something we're leaving is everybody here, timber and Mahō are you guys here."
They would both walk forward and nod.
" Good I can't deal with this right now I have a fucking headache, let's go back to the east now that everybody is together and what's properly put him in prison for working with the orcs, now is anybody else going to try to kill me"
Everyone is silent and they just look away.
"I'll take that as a no, why is nobody talking"
Tyson said.
"You just came out of the fucking ground mate"
Benji said.
"Yeah whatever, also you did just betray me brother I'm not going to let that go"
Tyson said as he starts to walk to the ship.
"Hell can you blame me"
Benji said.
"Yes, yes I can!"
Tyson said.
Zero would shake her head.
"wait does that mean you don't care if we actually get a mate we actually love, your uncle didn't allow that why are you allowing that"
Zero said.
"I don't care do whatever you want just come with me that's all you have to do once we get to the kingdom y'all can do whatever you want okay love whoever you want to love, I just fucking died I really need to talk to somebody right now and the only person to talk to is all the way in the east"
Tyson said.
Cici looks at Tyson
"Tyson Benji we need to talk once we get time..."
Cici said.
"No! Don't tell him"
Benji said as they were all walking back to the ship the others were being awfully quiet.
"Talk about what speak up!"
Tyson said.
"About what uncle did to me and all the gi-"
Nora stops her.
"What's the time and place but right now is not the time give your brother time to wrap his head around what just happened he's going through a lot right now he doesn't need more stress on him."
Ñora said.
"Wait what did I hear that right wait what"
Alia would hit Tyson playfully on the shoulder.
Knowing that Tyson and his anger would probably kill his uncle, seen that Tyson clearly wanted his uncle alive to ask him some questions they both decided to distract him.
"Oh you know they're very silly tell me about your life in the kingdom who's this woman you love"
Alia said
"I should really question why are y'all being like this but I just cannot focus right now everything hurts, anyway me and her were friends for the longest time, since we were kids it's my life mission to protect her I promised her that long ago I told her I would take all the pain away from her and I would enjoy the pain myself so that she would never have to"
Tyson said .
"That's awful Noble of you"
Alia said.

Smit would then wake up
"What the hell just happened"
Smit said
"Oh I'm so sorry about that I didn't mean to do that much damage to you are you okay"
Tyson asked.
"Wait what you know what you're the I don't care anymore you're clearly stronger than anybody any other wolf I've ever met"
Smit said as he gets away from the others holding him and walks on his own.

Alia then turns to timber.
"Dad I missed you for the longest time how are you I'm sorry you're stuck like this"
Alia said
"Don't worry about me honey I'm doing just fine now"
Timber said
Mahō would then look around.
She decided to finally speak
"Tyson can we talk about what just happened to you just died and said I'm not going to die today what the hell was that I really thought you were dead"
Mahō said as she was crying.
"Hey Mahō, stop crying"
Tyson said as he picks her up and shakes her.
"Why are you shaking me you're making it worse"
Mahō said.
"I'm trying to make you feel better!"
Tyson said.
"It's not working, put me down"
Mahō said.
Tyson said as he puts mahō down gently.
"Hey is everybody okay by the way I know what just happened is kind of crazy but I thought it was all about honor,once somebody once someone won a dual."
Tyson said.
"It once was"
Timber said
"I guess not since my uncle changed everything makes sense"
Tyson said.
As they made it to the ship.
Everybody would eventually get onto this ship.
As they put their destination onto the East kingdom and headed that away.
Tyson would laying in the Captain's cabin. As cici enters.
"B-ig brother..."
She hugs Tyson, for once the rough boy will let out a small smile as he generally was happy to have family he would then Pat her on the back and Pat her head.
"What, Is your question, sister?"
Tyson said.
"It's not really a question it's just, what Uncle did all the girls"
Cici said.
Tyson look at her as he tilted her head he was generally kind of upset by what she said.
"What did he do!"
Tyson asked.
"Changed our packs, before we are so peaceful I guess that's what everybody says, but he was the only one allowed to have a mate ever, he would make with all the females including myself, he did not care, not even if we gave our consent or not"
Cici said.
Tears dropped down Tyson's face as he stands up.
He is angered in many ways right now as he clenches a fist and walks to the prison area of the ship.
"Brother no, you need him alive you can't kill him"
Cici said as she holds on Tyson.
"I'm just going to talk to him you stay here"
Tyson said.
Benji then walks in.
"Look you're the one who said you need him alive, hell I want to kill him as much as you do, would you like to tell him why dear sister"
Benji said as benji had quite a small frame like a females.
"Our uncle castrated Benji"
Cici said.
"Wait her he what!?"
Tyson said.
"He made sure that our family line couldn't be continued at least not by me"
Benji said.
"He's done all these horrible things everybody why don't y'all fight back, why didn't y'all fight back ever"
Tyson said
"Before we couldn't but now we can just calm down you need to talk to him go in there and talk to him"
Benji said.
As Tyson shakes his head.
"Fine I'm just going to go talk"
Tyson said as he walks in to the chamber that held Huston.

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