33. the darkness.

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Julie would like as off she made sure to tell Gwen she even asked her to come with her but Gwen was a bit busy, Julie would kiss her Good bye and take a one person boat to travel to see Alyssa.

Gwen would be sitting next to Axel and playing a card game.

Tyson would reach the tower where he then looks at his friends.

Tyson would start the climb into the tower but something felt off.

"Stay back, I don't understand what's going to go on, but I don't want y'all to get and any more danger just stay and watch for now make sure nothing comes near me to try to protect everyone around you and yourself of course."

Tyson said as everyone nods.

He would then continue his climb as a  bigger, thing was watching
Dracio was using her magic to watch everything. Soon everything in could come to an end.
She sat there watching as she would smile.
Then turning to her master,she didn't even know her master's name yet only their code name the controller.

But Tyson Would continue the climb.

But then the darkness would come forth there was nothing to be done, but Felton would Arrive.
for once he was trying his best to fight off the darkness within him.
But it was surrounding everybody Leon thought honorably he managed to get rid of most of the minions.

But Felton would be able to get to the tower just as Tyson did.

Nothing to be said, Tyson would it immediately grab a stone as Frozen did the same energy would blast off creating a giant beam from the air.
And then Felton won.

He knew how this worked he asked for his wish and paid off everything was as he wanted it but not as he truly wanted it as the darkness wanted it.

The darkness was sliding off him everything was lost everybody failed but Tyson wasn't going to give up he would then fight,  with everything he had creating a lightning volcano lava magic everything bursting in the flames before him he tried his best but Felton was too powerful he knocked Tyson to the ground.

But in this moment Lian would check up on chum, to her surprise the old man was up.

"Master Chum how are you up already"

Lian asked
"My dear there is no time to be explained, this is the end of this little game we are playing this is the last time I will ever speak to you, I want you to tell Tyson I tried my best to always be there and to protect the ones who I call my family but ultimately I am a failure in my own eyes I lost everybody ever loved couldn't protect my own wife for that I'm ultimately a failure but Tyson that boy is something different ever since he was young I saw the potential of him, tell him that everything happens for a reason"
Chum said

As he would teleport away.

Nothing could be stopped at this point the darkness was coming out of Felton.

"Why are you doing this Felton for what purpose"

Tyson asked.

"I'm trying to save everybody can't you see"

Felton said.

But the darkness was overpowering the man, known as Felton it would come forth and burst out of him.

"Haha this beautiful body this soul that we have corrupted where are the Queens minion the queen of the elves.
Now I'm going to finish this for the queen I have her minion first of the order. The first and I'm going to finish my job, now ha- you know everything that's happened was because of the queen and myself well not this body you call Felton he's fighting always fighting inside but ultimately me the darkness will always conquer him always, you know, this body was or is your uncle, yes this is the one that killed your father not the other one you know it's funny I corrupted that man too he was such a honorable man one of the best but I've turned him into something else a devil I made him the way he was I made everybody the way they were I am the darkness itself"
The shadow lord said.

"So this is nobody's fault but the Queens what was your name Dracio?, And you're one of her first creations oh she's going to die for this after you die"
Tyson said as he stood up and punched the darkness in the face.

The darkness was overwhelming everybody in this moment a giant beam of darkness was about to blast out and kill everybody it was over everything was over everybody was dead or they would be but Leon got in front of everybody sacrificing himself he was ready to die for his friends he put his shield in front of himself embraced himself ready for death

"It's okay amigo, get behind me!"
Leon yelled this could be his final words he knew this could be, but yet he felt pride dying for his friends.

Everyone would turn to Leon in fear for him

Sharp wing would cry

"No! Leon you can't do this!"

She yelled.

As Leon winks at her.

"It's ok, dying for my amigos is something honorable at the most I am a knight this is my duty as a knight to protect the people I care about."
Leon yelled out.
As the darkness would start to consume everybody the world was changing in the end nothing was going to be different this time.
But then something happened,
Chum made his appearance by quickly teleporting.

He would then appear in front of everyone the darkness was soon to destroy himself but then chum stopped it like nothing.

Chum would then look around.
As he saw his grandson and son fighting, he had to stop this in the end Felton was the bad guy only consumed by the darkness itself chum knew he could free Felton with the light that was inside his self.

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