25. Dragon heart

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Chum would be around the outskirts of the city checking the border and barrier it was going to fail soon enough the barrier would fall chum knew this, he has to find a way, to extend its power but in his old age he grew weak it was hard for him to even use magic at this point.
Chum would then come across the Julie she was sitting by a River.
"How are you doing today dearie"
Chum asked Julie
"I guess I'm doing fine just a bit worried, told everybody the barrier would  last two years, and it's been 2 years so it's time to get ready for the war is it not"
Julie said.
"Do not fear I am looking for a way to extend the barrier but I am weak in my old age, there is something that can help with this though,  we could extend, a search team out there and look for it"
Chum said.
"Master Chum our numbers are weak, but I can get some people together and look for what you seek, maybe one day you could tell me more about my father once is all said and done, so what is it we seek"
Julie asked.
"We are looking for a dragon's heart, I would love to tell you more about your father when the time is ready"
Chum said as he grabs his cane using his magic.
"I'll join you on this mission young one but as just to watch as I said I am growing very weak through I am probably the most powerful sorcerer still alive from the great old days that we call the legacy days there are others out there somewhere but they have a greater purpose as so do I"
Chum said as he looks at Julie with a curious glare.
Julie would then shake her head
"I'll go see if I can get for this mission just try to get some rest it may take a few days to find enough people"
Julie said.
As went into the city.
"Who might be good enough for this mission I have to think come on"
Julie told her self as she bumps into Tyson.
Immediately she actually hasn't talked to him in a while it's been quite some time these two have become good friends and build up a almost brother and sister relationship.
"Oh Tyson, how you doing this day"
Julie asked

"Me I'm doing just fine just doing some shopping, for Lian and the kids"
Tyson said.
"Oh how is the Queen by the way"
Julie asked.
"She's doing just fine but I should probably get back anyway"
Tyson said as he waves good bye to Julie.
"Tyson is probably very busy with stuff around kasha, who else might be available I wonder"
Julie asked her self.
As she looks around.
"I need to think maybe I should ask Leon"
She told herself.
Julie would then head over to Leon's place, at this point Leon had brought a pretty nice size house for him, Axel and Lulu.
"Hey knock knock Leon are you home"
Julie asked
Leon would get up and open the door with lazy eyes as he smiles.
"Good day Julie, how can I help you"
Leon said.
"Hey I'm getting some people together to go on a mission are you in"
Julie said.
"Hmmm, sounds good but what's the mission!"
Leon asked.
"Well we are going to get a dragon's heart"
Julie said.
"A what, whatever I'm still in sounds dangerous and thrilling let's do this"
Leon said.
"Great let's meet up in the middle of town later today all right"
Julie said as she walked off.
"Who next I wonder"
Julie told herself.
Zero would then bump into Julie.
"Oh Zero!, How are you this day"
Julie asked as zero looked around.
"Hey I heard you talking, so you guys are going off to a mission do you mind if I join"
Zero said.
Julie would smirk and say
"Sure just, meet up at  the middle of town"
Julie said has she looked for a couple more people to join.
Julie would then see davit he was sitting on a tree.
"Hey David I know we haven't talked much but hey, would you like to go on a mission with me"
Julie asked.
"Sure usually I would ask but it was about but I'm quite curious, also Mal wants me to find myself"
David said.
"Great meet up in the middle of the town."
Julie said.
As Dale would shake his head as he was also listening
"Oh hey, Julie I heard you asked David for whatever you are going on can I come as well"
Dale asked.
"S-ure I guess if you don't think it's going to be too dangerous for you"
Julie said
Dale would then shake his head.
"Ah I guess I'll meet you in the middle of town then"
Dale said.
Julie would then head to the center to the city, where she saw everyone along with Hugo, Desa, Lulu, and sharpwing.
"Oh I guess you guys wanted to come along as well"
Julie said.
"This group will do fine as long as Tyson doesn't know and the queen is well this is a top secret mission, very much so we should make haste and leave right away now that it's dark,"
Chum said as he ready the horses needed for the trip.
"Well I decided to take Lulu if you guys don't mind"
Leon said
As Lulu makes a face.
"You guys don't mind if I tag along right"
Lulu said.
"sure that's fine but this is going to be a little dangerous from what chum has told me"
Julie said as she gets on her horse.
Desa would then smile.
"of course I'm coming because Julie is off and about to go and the queen tasked me to protect you so I will always protect you now young cat"
Desa said.
"Um thanks I guess"
Julie said as the group of them lead out.

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