The Missing Piece.

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It was morning again. As the sun rays penetrated the window blinds, she couldn't help but scrunch her eyes at the bright light that sipped through her closed eyelids.

She was waking up to the reality again. Hoping she had remained in her dream world, Tessa shuts her eyes again hoping to return to her fantasy but no she couldn't . All the pain, the scars from her multiple surgeries and longing desire remain unchanged.

Nothing was different just a new day and probably a sweet new frangrance unlike the Stark smell of bleach the hospital rooms had to offer.

" Mrs. Parker had stayed all night." Tessa thought to herself seeing the lady who had fallen asleep, possibly while reading the book she was holding to her chest.

For a stranger, she sure acted like a friend, a sister or even a mother perhaps.

As the blinding light gradually subsides, Tessa could take a better look at her present surrounding.

Flowers were everywhere and they all had the same message
' Get well soon, I need you. Remember somebody loves you.' attached to them.

This wasn't the first time. Each time she landed in the hospital, the day after, flowers were always ready to comfort her. The messages were wrong, but one thing was quite right. Somebody loves her but it wasn't obviously their sender.

Tessa had always wondered how Ken, her husband had managed to always keep his guilt not lesser than a day. Sometimes he pretended to care while the rest of the time, he had a heart made of stone.

Well, this was her fate now. No wonder none of her babies had agreed to stay.

Penny soon snaps out of her deep slumber. The night was cold but she had a comfy sweater to comfort her.

" Good morning, Tessa." She said with a warm smile.

"Good morning to you too, Mrs. Parker." Tessa replied.

"Please, do call me Penny." She said as she continued. " Am sure you had a wonderful night rest ..... Wow, flowers. They look so beauty. Your husband is so romantic and caring. I wish my sweet lamb was as romantic as yours."

" Be careful what you wish for." Tessa muttered under her breath before replying the lady. " The flowers are sure beautiful. Am so sorry for the inconveniences, hope you had a good night rest ?"

No questions asked. It was quite obvious she did. With the beautiful smile she had on her face, she must have dreamt about her husband.

" Yes I did." Penny replied, checking her wrist watch for the time. " We should start packing now."

"What for ?" Tessa asked guessing she wanted to go home.

Penny continued saying,
" Oh ....sorry for the confusion. You have been discharged. The nurse came in late last night. We were given the grace of the night since it was quite late. So do get ready. Your husband brought a spare dress for you to wear."

" But I still feel weak. Am not alright yet. I think I need to stay back for a couple more days." Tessa said hoping to avoid the questions.

" How could you possibly want to stay back ? It's noisy and crowded in here and the air is filthy as well." Penny said looking at Tessa to see if she was going mad.

How could anyone want to stay back at the hospital against the comfort of their home. She wasn't alright, Penny concluded.

She didn't get me, I know she didn't. Tessa thought to herself.

In the heat of the moment, a devilishly handsome man with curly brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes, emerged from the door of the room, with a mobile phone close to his ear, talks... .... talks and more talks before he finally ended the call.

" Good morning baby doll." He said giving Tessa, a peck on the side of her lips. " And morning to you, Mrs. Parker." He said before Tessa could even reply him.

" Same to you, Ken. We were just talking about the flowers ..... They are beautiful I must say." She replied.

" Morning Ken." Tessa said while moving towards the restroom to change her clothes. Now that he was here, Tessa just had to go home.

" They are my wife's favorite." He said talking to Penny.

No, they were not ..... I prefered tulips to the roses. Tessa thought to herself thinking of what other lies Ken must have told while she was asleep.

" Tessa. Do finish quickly, the ward is about to be checked out." Penny said. Just in time, Tessa appears wearing a plain pink, embroidered jumpsuit with her jet black hair packed in buns looking beautiful yet devastated.

Walking up to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist as a blush crept up around his face.

" You are mine, forever." Ken said holding her tighter than ever not minding she had just undergone surgery.

A sharp pain erupted from her leg, making her shierk in pain.

" Sorry dear. You'll feel better once you're home." Penny said picking up the bags.

How could life be so unfair to someone, she had lost her baby and the chance, she had to stay away from the captivity called home.


The ride was tiring. I would have preferred lying down to sitting with nothing to do, for more than three hours. Tessa thought to herself.

Finally they arrived at the Shaw's. Ken and Tessa Shaw had a beautiful apartment, many thought of it to be the most beautiful house in Green Valley Estate.

It had a big courtyard, the garage was filled with most of the latest luxury cars, the five beautiful rooms were well designed. It had a big basement which none of them had visited in months and there was a staff quarters too though, they only had three employees presently.

A laundrer, a driver and a maid. This were the only people that were willing to work for them. As a matter of fact, they were new. No employee started longer than three months in that house.

" Thanks so much, Mrs. P . Tessa and I really appreciate." Ken said as they walked into the living room.

" No problem, Ken. What are neighbors for." Penny said gesturing to leave.

"Please, do send your greetings to Mr. Parker for me." Tessa said expressing her gratitude.

" Nevermind, we will come over to dinner tomorrow. Just settle down today and have a wonderful rest." Penny said as she walked over to her house. It was only some metres away.

As Ken slammed the door shut, Tessa couldn't help but wonder how she had gotten herself into such a big mess. Now that they were alone, the plastered smile on Ken's face seemed to disappear gradually.

Tessa had always expected him to change his ways everytime they returned from the hospital. To everyone, he had this personal power that was incredible. They were all fooled, from the A - listers, personalities to the QCs including Tessa's family. He had them all fooled.

Whenever he was around, Tessa was always like the bunny in his spotlight. He was so dynamic that one minute, he was on top of the world that everyone only saw the faults in Tessa. Some even said she was too lucky to have him while some said Tessa didn't deserve him.

Truth be told, it was the other way round. Ken was the luckiest man on Earth to have married Tessa. It was her good fortune that was rubbing off on Ken ..... Even she realized it now, three years after they walked down the aisle. Something she never came to terms with while they were courting.

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