Life outside 2

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Five hours and twenty three minutes later......

Being in New York City itself was all too surreal, like a dream come true.

Buildings racing each other in a quest to touch the soft blue sky and people littering the streets and sidewalks, it was almost like a fantasy. Life was upbeat and fast-paced and everyone and everything was moving, but then they crossed into Central Park.

Crossing the sidewalk into the large park was like crossing the border into another world. The milieu changed from the rapid fire movement of the concrete jungle to slow-moving peace in the blink of an eye. Skyscrapers were replaced with real trees that stood tall, though not tall enough to completely block out the looming buildings. Vibrant green grass perfectly covered the ground in place of the bleak blacks and grays of hot cement that coated the pavements.

Night in the city was vibrant and exciting. The congested sidewalks with people desperate to shop in the famous stores in which celebrities dwell. There Tessa found herself lost within the Big Apple. The voices of the never-ending attractions call out and enveloped in their awe. The streets were filled with an atmosphere that was like that of  a young child on a shopping spree in a candy store. Although her feet were swelter from the continuous walking, Tessa found herself pressing on with the yearning to discover the 'New York Experience'.

"Your first time here ?" Asher said interrupting her day dream.


" Where do you intend to stay throughout the summer ?" Asher asked again.

" I plan on booking an hotel room but I learnt most of them were already checked out." Tessa replied with a grin.

" I think I'd have to stay somewhere for the night and sort out myself tomorrow."

" Well I have got a perfect solution to your problems." Asher smiled.

" Really ?' Tessa asked.

" Yes. You can stay at mine...... Well not mine but my parent's, you can scout with me for the night and if you find a better place...." Asher suggested.

" Really ? Thank you so much." Tessa hugged her out of excitement.

" But wouldn't either of your parents mind ?"

"Don't worry I'll take care of that." Asher said with a naughty smirk dancing on her face.

They both took a taxi cab and with Asher's directions, they moved through the city to their designated location.

Upon arrival into the jungle of vast buildings, the first thing noticed was the mobbed streets filled with taxi cabs and cars going to and fro in numerous directions, with the scent of exhaust surfing through the air.

As they progressed deeper into the inner city and exited the vehicle, the aroma of the many restaurants passed through Tessa's nostrils giving  her a craving for a ? NY Hot Dog? sold by the street venders on the corner calling out to strangers as they passed by. Continuing their journey they  passed by the ongoing flow of pedestrians talking on their cell phones and drinking a Starbucks while enjoying the city. The constant commotion of conversing voices rage up and down the streets as someone called out for a fast taxi. A mixed sound of various music styles all band together to form one wild tune.

After a few hours of bustling through the streets, Tessa and Asher alighted at a stop holding onto to their luggages.


A billboard read as the lights from the vast number of buildings illuminated the area.

"This way." Asher gestured to Tessa as they managed to walk through a crowd of people.

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