To Know You

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Brian looked over at the large pile of contracts and documents that sat on his desk.

Why can't everything just go digital ?

Not feeling like doing any work, he swirled his chair taking a swimming view of the city through the window.

A group of children were playing basketball at the other end of the street, three teenage girls laughing and singing in a coffee shop, and a couple holding hands while looking into each other's eyes. He wondered if he too will one day have a companion, one  who would care and never see the need to hurt him.

It had been exactly two weeks since he and Ellesmere came in form of any contact with each other. Meanwhile Errol had travelled officially out of the states, to Europe for some work. He was meant to be standing in for a lawsuit against the company who intended to infringe copyrights laws. He was going to be gone for weeks or probably months if need be.

Deciding to get some work done and attain some productivity, Brian proceeded to checking his emails trying to get updated on things he had  missed out during the course of work.

Reaching open to office reminders, promotional ads and map timelines, Brian scrolls up and down the panel clicking unto several notifications. After alot of sorting and discarding - some of which were not needed, he decided to check out his social media accounts.

Looking up at people's stories on social media. Brian opens up personal chats, reconnecting with old friends from back in school days.

Having a small green dot was a message. It stood out well amongst the others because it had to do with something peculiar.

Clicking on it would decide if she had accepted his apology or not. Hoping he was forgiven, he reached on to the mouse and made the click.

" Hey ! Just wanted to let you know that I forgive you. I think I understand what been hurt feels like and I'll like us to have another chance at this - being friends of course. For the note, my real name is Tessa." It was short and convincing. The fact that she had forgiven him or atleast given him another chance was a thing worth smiling about.

Tessa - the name resonated in his head. Perhaps he had alot to say starting off has friends. Very eager to talk to his new acquaintance, Brian penned down a thank you message.

Noting she normally came online at around 9pm in the evening, Brian waited until then before he would have another conversation with her.

Getting on back to work looking rather excited, Brian couldn't be any happier.

Sipping coffee, Brian went back to work.

~~~~~~~                                       ~~~~~~~

Laying down on the bed, exhaling deeply Brian looked look up many stories on social media. He had been listening to music on his way back home on the bus. The song had been recommended by Ellesmere .

" I bet she listens to that song too, all day now." He skipped it.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Brian walked into the bathroom to take a creep shower. After he had brushed his teeth and taken a clean bath, he stepped out of the shower to put on some shaving cream.

Shaving off a little of the stray hair that spread out on his chin, Brian settled to rub some lotion and probably have dinner.

Cooking up a quick meal of pancake, some syrup and a little cheese butter, Brian settled down to have his dinner. The dinner table was extremely quiet, the only sound being heard came from his neighbours house - they were probably having a party.

Then the silence was broken. There came ....... hey I was doing just fine before I met you, hoping that I'll never see you again. tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again. Closer, a song performed by the Chainsmokers, a duo that was popular for their first single.

It was Brian's ringtone, one of his favourites. He and Errol would sing it all night at the karaoke party their office always organized quarterly.

Checkjng the caller ID, the screen displayed Errol.

Just in time before the closer chorus, Brian keeps up the phone ensuring he wasn't drowned in the catchy tune.

" Hello Errol." Brian picks up.

" How you doing men ?" Errol said as the sound of legs clapping whirls out the constant background chatter.

" I am good. Where are you ? And why's there so much noise ?" Brian asked eagerly.

" Bro, am here at one of the coolest clubs in town. What's it called again ?"

" Extasia.." a feminine voice cried out loud.

" So you are supposed to be there for business but instead you clubbing and hooking up with random girls." Brian chuckled.

" The night is life here in europe, my friend. And I don't know when I'd be getting this chance again." Errol continues before cutting Brian off his lines.

" And am not hooking up with random girls. I'm here with the case lawyer, Samantha."

" Live on, bro. Just be back in time for summer cos' I don't wanna go camping without you." Brian said, a boggey smile inflating on his face.

" Sure bro. I'd try. Just pray I don't get myself all curled up in this ocean of beautiful wine and cheesy girls." Errol chuckles slushing another wine bottle down his throat.

" Ok bro. Enjoy. And bring back one of those delicious grape wines from italy as well. Good night." He said before cutting off the line.

The night was calm, the breeze was cool. Unlike California, Arizona would have be budding with shiny, eye bulging night life. The casinos opening for business, girls in skin tight dresses - on the road side ready to be picked up by some strange men for as little as a dollar, clubs beaming with heart throbbing bands and many more.

The streets were calm with almost all lights out ready for the next day.

Tired and ready to retire to sleep, Brian locked up the doors whining down the window blinds ready for bed.

Just then, something drops into his mind. It was a couple of minutes to 9. That magical time of the day he had long awaited for. Almost like he was scheduled for a dinner date, Brian ran up the stairs.

It was just 8 :45 pm when he had finished the dishes. Sorting out a few photo catalogues on his phone, he kicked back and relaxed against his head pillow.

Now he was ready for whatever came next. As the hand of the clock hit 9, the sharp sound of the tick tock that the clock made became soothing music to Brian. Waiting impatiently for the little green dot to appear, he sighed for relieve when it did eventually happen.

The beginning of an undyingly new friendship !

Am bored and tired !
Whose up for a nice conversation ? ୧(﹒︠ᴗ﹒︡)୨

Hope you have a lovely day, full of adventure.\(^o^)/   (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞ The girl named Bee.

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