Rythm or No Reason ?

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Ken made her rest. "Doctor's orders." He said commanding her to go upstairs.

Not like he cared, he was only trying to play it cool. He wanted Tessa to be completely fooled like always. Everytime, he tried to convince her into thinking he had changed and completely turned a new leaf but this time it wasn't going to fool Tessa unlike the last six times.

The last time when she arrived from the hospital, he had decorated the whole house all the way to the drive way. He even prepared lunch, a simple meal consisting of Italian pasta and some of his great vegetable salad. He knew her weak, and he always used it against her. Not anymore though, Tessa had already zeroed her mind on Ken ever changing his ways. He was a closed book.

Tessa knew he was pretending plainly for the sake of it. Also she confirmed her suspicion when Gemina, the elderly  maid emerged from the store room. She knew it. He was only waiting for the help to return back to their quarters before he unleashed his inner demon.

As Tessa walked into the master bedroom, she couldn't help but sigh. This is where everything had began. Her first scar was gotten here. She received her first slap, her first beating even her first miscarriage started here. In this very room.

As she sat down on the jumbo sized bed, she couldn't help but reminisce. How everything had started and where it all went wrong.

As a little girl, Tessa Hickman long before she became Tessa Shaw, was quite beautiful, fun loving and charming. She remembered going over to the pond close to her house, most of the time, to get away from all the lashes life had to offer. That was where most of her childhood memories resided.

Spending most times alone, she never felt lonely as she had Zireon, the frog as she sometimes called him and Lily, the water lily. She spent hours hearing the frog croak and as the water lily danced and dangled on the water surface.

While most children were watching Wizard of Oz on TV with their sleeping bags and popcorns out, having a really good family time with their parents, hers was different. Rather her parents were busy folks who always had alot on their plate.

Her father, André Hickman was a phone company manager and her mother, Ridaa Hickman, a medical surgeon. They never had time for her, being the only child, rather she was treated like an incompetent employee and her supervisor being the nanny. Countless times, they weren't around and when they did, she was either asleep or pure, inarticulate fury would fill the house for days, weeks, at times, making the air impossible to breathe majorly because her dad had failed to land a huge business deal or her mom was dying out of guilt because a surgery had gone wrong.

Life was far from cruel for Tessa but she just had to deal with it. Her parents never hit her but they never showed their love and affection towards her either. Instead, she was treated like an adopted orphan who needed a big doll or expensive clothes and shoes to comfort her. Their family life was like an endless road trip with bad directions and rage clenched drivers, a vacation that never got a chance to be fun.

No wonder she had been so attracted when Ken had shown her all the love she was yearning for. A love that was obssessingly possessive and choking Tessa to the point of misery.

Meeting him five years back, she remembered coming across a very, charming, sophisticated, sexy man. He fell for her sweet, humble , loving personality and so did she, she really fell for him hook, line and sinker.
Everything about him was different or maybe, it was the fact that someone had approached feeling genuine love for her. Something she never felt for the past twenty five years of her life, part of why she fell so heavily.

So quickly, she had been eager to start a family of her own, have children. When they spoke about it, he promised her that they'd have a family together and he built up this great fairytale, quickly at that and it just seemed too good to be true. Infact, it was.

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