A day in my life

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V a l e r i e.

Valerie Kayne. 

A twenty two year old IT professional just graduating from the University of Kepps , Los Vegas.  A  5',4" tall fair lady with brown hair and eyes. Maybe not beautiful but the perfect definition of  good looking.

After serving 7 years at the Vegas college, she was moving back to her home town back in Los Angeles.

Really excited and apprehensive to go back home to her parents after so many years studying. A new experience in an unknown territory,  well maybe not an unknown territory but a place she had left behind years back.

It felt good to be going back home again.

" Keisha, I'm going  back home tomorrow." Valerie proclaimed over the phone, while packing her bags.

"I'm gonna miss you, Val." A cute, adorable voice said over the phone.

" I'm gonna miss you too, bestie." Valerie replied as she got off the phone, to wipe the tears pouring down her eye dusts.

As Valerie sat down on one corner of the bed, going through the photo album that was laying on her book shelve earlier on.

Flipping through the pages, tears start to fall out of Valerie's eyes as memories began resonating through her mind.

Valerie had remembered the first time she had arrived at the school's campus. Just like now, she was shy, timid and unsociable. She had no friends mostly because everyone had referred to her as a nerd due to the fact that she had worn glasses.

When she finally met with Keisha, she felt relieved to finally feel accepted and be around someone other than her parents.

Their friendship had brewed from being lab partners to becoming full blown friends like an insperable pea in a pod. They got through all the struggles, hardship, love and heartbreaks together. Now it was time for them to part ways.

I guess it's all part of being grown ups.
Been together to grow apart. With maturity comes responsibility.

It wasn't going to be easy but at least they got each other covered promising to call one another daily.

With this, Valerie took the last flight back to Los Angeles, on her way to her parents apartment.

It was meant to be a surprise so Valerie got off the flight and with the  help of the Google earth app, she was able to locate the home that had awaited her  for years.

"How things have changed ? " She muttered under the cold chilly breathe. 

It was still Winter. With the rooftops, cars and roadwalks  still covered in frigments of melting snow, the scenery was so beautiful and romantic.

" How much I have missed this city ?"

Valerie had made plans for the entire month. She planned on making up for all the years she had lost. All the birthdays, Christmas and new years Eve, the Valentine's day party, she wanted to celebrate them all.

The driver pulled over at point. Eventually coming to a stop in front of a bright yellow apartment. Nothing seemed like it used to be.

The painting was now old and messy. The bushes were unkept. All the structures and even the pattern of arrangement had changed.

"We are here, miss." The cab driver, a middle aged man said.

" Are you sure ? I don't think we are in the right place. " She said taking another glance.

"Ma'am, this is the place. Your fee will be five dollars please." He replied with a friendly smile.

"Take this." She offered him the fare, walking into the porch while still glancing around taking in a view of   everything in sight.

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