Perfect Strangers

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    " If only I had said no, but a few drinks and the desire to dance maybe clouded my judgements.
Everything has been going so well, and now I just feel like I ruined it. " she thought to herself.


The tales of that very night remained on foretold. After the drive home, what had went on that evening wasn't mentioned. Rather the scars would live to tell the stories.

A couple of days since the entire incident. Everyone, as usual moved right back to their daily lives.

Everyday Tessa would put on a smile in hope that the new day will stop their marriage from falling apart. The truth never changed. Ken became more and more busy, form business meetings to office trips and late night working hours, he never left any time to spare for Tessa.

Most times he didn't even care where she was or had gone. Though she was free, it wasn't worth the shot. She wanted to be free like a happy bird.

Ken continued to be more secretive than he ever was. Coming home most nights, not uttering a word to Tessa, guiding his suitcase like a pirate's treasure.

Tessa didn't want to doubt the fact that her overly possessive husband could be cheating on her. It would be even wrong if he wasn't. She muttered to herself.

Finally, she had decided to open a social media account. If not to have physical contact with people then she needed a virtual one. She decided to make it too secret not revealing her true identity to any of the blogger available to chat with her.

As she clicked the 'accepted' button,
2: 45 am marked the new beginning of Tessa's life.

She set up a fake profile using her nickname 'Elsa' has her profile name and a couple of more uttered informations.

Soon random messages started to flood Tessa's mail box. They were all random users who had matched her profile.

Most of them had messaged the same thing, "ASL ?"

Tessa wondered as to what it meant so she ended up typing back, " sorry, what do you mean ?"

Many had cut off the connection almost immediately but just a few bothered to reply back before they logged off.

"So ASL meant age, sex , location." She wondered, trying to figure out how long she had lost connection with the outside world.

Tessa was now talking to strangers not just Americans but every possible person who cared to stop by. Worldwide.

Just when she thought she had enough, a new messages came through.

" Hi " It read.

" Hi there." Tessa wrote back.

" ASL" Tessa's new connection.

" Am about 27 year old. Female. L. A" she wrote. " You ?" She asked.

" So Elsa. Male. 32 years of age. California." He wrote reading the name that displayed on his screen.

" Nice to meet you. So why did you join this platform ? " Tessa thought to ask.

" Rather not tell. But am open to making friends. That's basically it." He wrote back.

" Sure, no problem. Same, am here to do same." What's your name by the way ?" Tessa asked looking quite disappointed.

" Is your name really Elsa ? " He replied ignoring the question.

"Rather not tell." She replied.

" Its just a question. Not like there is anything special to it you know." The message wrote.

Those words he wrote were quite hurtful. No one ever saw anything special in me. Its okay if they hurt me but it mean for me to do the same. How cruel ! Tessa thought to herself.

" Am sorry but I didn't mean to be rude. Am just not comfortable with selling my information to the public. And to be sure, you ignored the same question as well." She messaged back.

" Incase you didn't notice, no one is out to get you. And I don't think am interested in knowing your name now. Nothing special about it. Enjoy keeping your name to yourself." He wrote back before logging out.

Feeling deserted and unhappy, a tear chucks down her cheeks.

It was very very late. And she was here crying over someone whom she hadn't even met.

She was heavily sobbing, wondering as to how even strangers could treat one so badly.

"I wouldn't judge him. Maybe he had a bad day or something." She sighed, trying to justify his actions.

True, he wasn't to be blamed. When one's husband is willing to disregard one's feelings, then a stranger is absolutely justified.

Life wouldn't be fair to most people.

"Happily ever after.." she said, wondering how fairtales could easily put it.

Easing the pain and aches in her stomach, the nightly wind careful sways her into a deep sleep.

Waving away all that struggle. The scars. The pain. The unrequitable love. Heartbreaks. And even more to come.


A/N - Hey there.

Extremely happy you took the time to flip this pages. It means alot to me.

I know am not more of a good writer. Am still struggling to put out the ideas from my head into drafts.

I know this chapter wasn't that lengthy. Hoping to keep you addicted, and longing for more.

Winter roses and summer cheers to everyone 😘 :)

Stay glued cos' am excited.

Pls vote, comment and share. 🙏🥺🥰

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