Haunting Nightmares

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Hotel Grandèur, 11 : 45pm.

He couldn't sleep again. He felt guility and devasted looking over to his ex girlfriend, Ellesmere Harte, who was fast asleep on the bed. Had he been unfair to her or was he right ? He asked himself.

Love was meant to be mutual and also physical relations weren't accepted when each partner wasn't psychological and emotionally disturbed.

Brian Hobbs and Ellesmere Harte worked together for two years. They worked for a printing press then in Arizona. He was the editorial manager and she was his assistant. That was before he was betrayed and ended up losing his job.

She stayed with him throughout, when he had to deal with a failed job and was struggling with bankruptcy. He moved to California, there he found a better job as a managing director. They were in a long distance relationship.

Eventually she broke up with him claiming she had been pressurized by her father into dating Davis Cullen, her boss. Davis had  promised her and her father a greener pastures. She left Brian to die slowly of depression and heartbreak.

That was two year ago. Although the scars had healed, it still hurt.

About two weeks back, Ellesmere contacted Brian to inform him she'd be visiting California for a vacation and would like to catch up with him.

Two weeks back.

Brian was preparing for work when he received a message from Ellesmere Harte, his ex girlfriend.

The message read, " Hello, it's me. I was wondering if after all this years you'd like to meet. To go over everything. They say time was supposed to heal but I haven't done much healing over the years. I don't know maybe you probably don't wanna talk but if you are reading this, I just wanted to tell you that over the past few months I haven't forgotten who we used to be. When we were younger, and free . I  have forgotten how it felt before the world wouldn't let us be. It feels so different between us and an humiliating mile apart, as well.  I called about a thousand times to tell you, am sorry for everything that have done but when I called, no one ever picked up. I know that  sorry wouldn't fix all the damage but am still sorry for breaking your heart. I know now, clearly, it doesn't tear you apart anymore."

At that point, Brian couldn't help but break down in tears. After all this years, he was recalling all their times together. Something he had hidden away in the deepest parts of his heart. Though he hadn't told her, she still held a better part of his heart and his life too.

Wiping his eyes for any remaining tear drop, he continued reading the message. " Hope you are doing fine ? I don't mean to tell you about myself. Am deeply sorry. I hope that you were able to make it out of that time, when everything..... It's no secret that I broke your heart so deeply. To tell you how sorry I am for everything that have done. Am coming to California for a vacation. And I'd like us to meet, catch up. Hope we can be friends again. Love, Ellesmere."

It was a hard decision but Brian knew if he ever wanted to move on with his life. Maybe this was going to be the right step to take.

He replied, " Hey sure. Just tell me when you'd be arriving and where to meet you. Hope we can remain friends."


Today was the set two weeks he was going to be meeting Ellesmere Harte again.

She had messaged him the details of her flight hoping he'd come to welcome her, " 1.45pm Flight BR 214, arrival from Arizona."

Another message followed showing the address of where she was going to stay in case he couldn't come to the airport, " Hotel Grandèur, Royal Dutch street, south California."

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