Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning, they pack up and head to the airport.

Wesley: "Are we taking a plane?"

Justice: "Yes."

Gracie: "Have you ever been on one?"

Wesley: "No."

They pull up to the airport, Wesley sees the plane, Olivia notices that he's shaking.

Wesley: "Do we have to go in that?"

Olivia: "We do. Your Dad owns it. We take it whenever we travel anywhere outside of Virginia."

Wesley: "I'm scared."

Olivia: "Can I tell you a secret?"

He nods his head.

Olivia: "Your Mom is too. Gracie has been scared to fly since she was your age."

Wesley: "Really?"

Olivia: "Yes."

Wesley: "How does she do it, then?"

Olivia: "Your Dad distracts her."

They had been whispering. Olivia didn't know why.

Justice: "Are you two ready?"

Olivia: "Yes."

They all get out, grab their bags, and head to the plane. Justice had arranged for Oscar to take them in his truck, and Skylar would drive it back to Virginia with Sasha. Olivia catches up with Justice.

Olivia: "Hey."

Justice: "Hey."

Olivia: "He's scared."

Justice: "I can take care of that. I'm good at distractions."

Olivia: "What about take off?"

Justice: "You and Gracie can take the seats that are separate up front. I'll take the two in the back next to each other."

Olivia: "Can she handle that?"

Justice: "Yes, she can't handle the bathroom."

They board the plane.

Gracie: "I seriously hate this."

Gracie had heard a little of the conversation between Olivia and Justice. She wasn't terribly afraid anymore unless she had to use the bathroom. She just wanted Wesley to see that it was ok to be scared.

Justice: "I know. I hate to do this, but Wesley is scared. So, you will have to sit with Olivia up front. I'm going to need to sit with him in the back."

Justice looks at Gracie.

Gracie: "That's fine. I can deal with it."

Wesley: "Dad...."

Justice: "Yeah, Wes?"

Wesley: "Can I sit with Gracie?"

Justice: "Are you sure?"

Wesley: "Yes. If we're both scared, we can be scared together."

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