Ch#36 Our caregivers, our guides

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Ch#36 Our caregivers, our guides

Dave brought me back to the Base. I rushed down the stairs to find Mr.Hudson. I found him speaking with Riley. I walked towards them and blurted, "Mr.Hudson, your daughter is alive! She isn't dead. Dave did not kill her."

"Wait, what? M-my daughter is alive? Are you sure?", Mr.Hudson stuttered in shock and confusion.

I nodded. "Yes. Dave told me that he did fail her brakes but he even saved her that day when she fell off from the cliff. He then kidnapped her to use her when he would be in a tough spot. And today he threatened me with her. He told me to not reveal anything to my brother about this Academy or else he would kill her", I slowly replied to him.

Disbelief washed over his face. Shocked would be an understatement. The daughter whom he thought to be dead in the past one year turns out to be alive, still breathing. Anyone would be weak on their knees. But what I couldn't understand was the tears that were flowing down Riley's cheeks. She too seemed as surprised as Mr.Hudson.

Mr.Hudson turned towards Riley and held her hand. "Riley, my daughter is alive. Ashley is alive. She did not leave us", he said as he wept.

"Yes, Dad. Ashley is alive", Riley nodded and answered him while smiling.

My eyes widened in shock. Mr.Hudson is Riley's Dad? Ashley is his daughter? Then that means...

Oh my goodness! I lost my balance due to the sudden revelation. Ellis held me by my waist to give me support. The one who saved me from Riley, the person due to whom I am alive today is the  girl in the attic! She's none but Ashley!

"You okay?", he asked while I only stared at him in bewilderment.

"Isn't Ashley the girl who saved you from Riley?", he whispered so that only I could hear him. I nodded at him.

"Alana, please tell us where is my daughter?", Mr.Hudson queried.

I got a hold of myself as Ellis let go of me. "She is in Stoneridge itself. Just like how we are trapped in the Base, Dave has her locked up in the attic", I replied.

"But there can't be an attic to this building. The structure doesn't let it have an attic", he uttered.

"No offense, but you did not even know about the Base. I don't expect you to know about the attic either", I replied him coldly.

Why are you giving him the cold shoulder?

Maybe 'cause he's Riley's dad.

But don't forget he's Ashley's dad as well.

"Riley, why didn't you tell us that you were Mr.Hudson's daughter?" Beth's question brought me back to reality.

"You never asked us", Riley shrugged.

"How could we ask when we never knew?", Beth added.

"You wouldn't have asked even if you would have known", Riley countered. Suddenly a question of my own popped my head.

"Wait a minute. Riley, why did you lie to me back then that you are an orphan? You said you didn't care anymore about those footages that Dave had as you neither have friends nor a family who would be worried for you. Why did you lie?"

I remember she had told us that she was adopted when she shared her past. But back then, I was not in a condition to think about her lie.

"That was because I had abandoned my Dad", she replied being wary of Mr.Hudson. We shot her a look of confusion not being able to understand her words.

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