Ch#5 Save her. Save them

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Ch#5 Save her. Save them.

I felt a little eerie walking with Riley to god knows where. I can't believe how she hasn't changed at all. I guess that's how born beauties are like. I cleared my throat to break the ice hanging in the air.

"What job was Mr.Smith speaking about?" I voiced my thoughts. Riley looked at me skeptically.

"I thought you got a hang of this place already. You look smart and fearless for a girl in baggy jeans and oversized t-shirt." I raised my eyebrows at her impression of me.

She took me to the principal's office. I thought she would expose me before him. I looked into her eyes. What I expected was signs of betrayal but instead she looked small, scared, intimidated by the principal. Over all these, it held another strong emotion. Hatred, detest, despise. She stared at him scornfully.

"I suppose she's the new student."

Uh oh genius. She's gonna expose you right now.

What else did you expect from her, duh.

"Oh wonderful! You have already met I guess. Miss Anderson, this is Riley. One of our 1st batch students. She-

"I'll show her around the place."

Woah. Did she just cut him off? I thought she would tell him that I found the base or dungeon or whatever it is.

"I suppose Dave has done that already."

"She hasn't seen the Study Room, yet. Have you?"

"Uh? Huh...yeah. Yes. I haven't seen it." Why is she helping me out? I thought she was the villain kind who gets rid of the hero right when they are about to win.

"See", she said with her arms folded and with a cocky tone while Mr.Hudson sighed. There's surely something wrong between the two. Riley put her arms around mine and took me to, I suppose, the study room. Once we were out of hearing distance, I voiced out my thoughts.

"I've seen the study room already. Where are you taking me to? Why didn't you reveal that I saw the base? It takes no genius to know that it is some sort of a secret place which is far from the reach of new people." She loosened her arms from mine.

"Look here newbie. You saw the students down below and you must not have missed all those scars and cuts on their body. If you don't want to end up like them, then stop your enrollment. This place has no rainbows and cupcakes. This is a living hell. Get out of here, before you miss the chance to", she ordered me. But why does it seem like a helpless request?

"Why? What is this place? Why does everyone have those scars? Are they abused here? Are you-

"Riley? Miss Anderson? Why are you two here?" It was Mr.Smith, with my mother and Aiden.

"Where had you gone, child? Mr.Smith here was giving us a look around this place."

"Mum. Uhm...I just went to the washroom and found Riley on my way to the office and she brought me here to look around the place." Yeah, smooth lie. "She's one of the 1st batch students here." I gave a forced smile trying to make it look as real as possible.

"Oh, that's good. Ma'am, why don't we go back to the office then. You can begin the enrollment process right now."

"Yeah, sure." Mum sure is in a hurry to get me holed up in this hell.

While on our way to the office, Aiden stopped me from behind. "What happened? You went to the washroom? You think you can lie to me?"

Very smooth lie, genius.

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